Chapter Sixteen: Back Together

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Angelinas P.O.V.

I rolled around as my phone alarm went off. I finally gave in and turned it off and pulled the purple blankets off my now cold body. I walked over to the bathroom door and went to the shower. I turned on the water and stepped inside the warm water. I put some coconut shampoo and conditioner in dark red hair. I washed my body with my pineapple body wash and turned off the water. I wrapped a purple towel around my body and walked to my room.

I opened up my closet and picked out my black I <3 NY t-shirt, ripped skinny jeans, and red TOMS. I painted my nails bright red and waved them in the air to dry faster. I put light eye make-up on and a coat of clear lip-glass. I put on a gold key necklace, a red polka dot bow ring, gold hoop earings, and some beaded bracelets. I curled my long red hair and added a couple bobby pins. I went down stairs to see the girls all dressed.

"You guys woke up before me?" I said astonished. I walked over to the fridge and saw apple juice and grabbed it. Sammy was standing next to me now with a nerf gun aimed at me.

"Step away from the apple juice and no one get's hurt." she said. I dropped the apple juice and ran behind Terra.

"Help?" I asked. She looked up from her phone and saw Sammy.

"Sorry bro can't help you." she said returning her attention to her phone.

We all eventually settled down and went to school. Sammy wore her I <3 Zombies, pink skinny jeans and some adidas.

Terra wore a pinkish sweatshirt, white shorts, and pink VANS.

Tori dressed in a red and white sriped t-shirt, red skinny jeans, and black TOMS.

Desirae wore a checkered shirt, jean shorts, and black coverse. They were all eating muffins and were drinking orange juice except Sammy who was drinking apple juice.

"Let us head to school." I said sadly. All the girls groaned and we drove to school.


8 hours of full performing arts classes later I was driving home with my feet hurting. Did I mention we all take dance classes?

"Call ZAYN!!" I yelled at sammy.

"ummmmmmm fine." she said dialling zayns number.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Um ello! Can you tell Perrie this is Sammy." Sammy said in a posh accent.

"Sammy." he asked again.

"Dude just give Perrie the phone." she said. It turns out Perri is really sweet.

She is actually only dating Zayn for publicity but they are really good friends.

"HAY GURL!" I yelled in a really weird accent.

"Help me! Please get back together wih Zayn!" she whined to me.

"Why?" I asked.

"He won't stop moping." she said matter of factly.

"Okay tell him I'll meet him around 7 tonight okay!" I said.

"EEEEEEEEEEP." she squealed. We hung up the phone and went home. I checked the time. It was 4:30. We stay after school for extra credit.

Make-over time. I changed out of my old clothes into a short black dress that had a glitter sweet heart neck-line. I had on leather black suede platform booties and curled my hair to perfection. I put on glitter eye-shadow and mascara. I put on pink lip-stick and pink blush. I waited putside for Zayn. he arrived looking as dashing as ever. We drove in the car and arrived at a dance.

"Sing to me." I whispered while we were slow dancing.

He sang irristable in my ear and when the song ended he looked into my brown eyes.

"Promise me you will never leave me again?" Zayn asked.

"I promise." I said leaning in and kissing him on the cheek. We pulled apart as fireworks were on outside. I know it sounds weird but I actually really missed him. After the show Zayn drove me home.


"I really missed you." I said as we walked up the steps to the door.

"Same here." he said in his bradford accent.

"So when can I see you again?" I asked opening up the door.

"Um maybe the lads and I can come over and we can all hang out like we were supposed to the day you got in your accident..." he said.

"Sure. Friday 6:30 sharp." I said walking in.

"Alright." he said chuckling.

He walked back to his car and I closed the door thinking about the events that just happened. I smiled and bit my lip as I headed over to the sleeping girls on the couch. "Have fun?" Sammy said half asleep. "Yeah..Night." I said walking to my room. I stripped off my clothes and into my pajamas. I fell asleep dreaming about Zayn...

Author's Note: Hayy GURL HAYY! Okay poeple who actually read this story. If you want to see Angelina's outfit for the school day please click the external link. However if you want to see the rest of the girls outfits search my ployvore the set titled Outfits. I know creative. And as always don't forget to vote, comment, and fan meee! xX

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