Chapter Fourteen: The Perfect Night........Almost

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  • Dedicated to Vincent Elias Sanchez

*Sammys P.O.V.*

This really wasn't my kind of date, I would rather be eating something well for lack of a better word fattening. Don't get me wrong Josh is a real gentle-man I just am really bored.

"You don't like this very much do you?" he asked breaking the awkward silence.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked. He chuckled causing me to giggle.

"Want to leave?" he asked. I noddded my head and stood up. It was raining outside and I was laughing.

Josh grabbed hold of my hand and said "May I have this dance?"

I smiled and said "Why of course kind sir."

We both laughed and started slow dancing in the cold rain. It was dark outside and the buildings where glistening off of the puddles of water. I know it sounds corny but it was on of the most perfect moments in my life.

"Sammy I know we only met, but you are the most wonderful girl I have ever met." he said. I blushed bright red.

We stopped dancing and I looked into his dark brown eyes and leaned in slowly and kissed him. It was perfect. We pulled apart smiling and I nuzzled my head into his neck.

"Want to head to my place?" Josh asked.

"Okay." I replied. We got into his not so fancy car and drove to his apartment.

"Beware I have a flat-mate." he said. I giggled and then relplied

"I have 4." He started laughing as we walked into the living room.

"Oi mate! Did you bring me back some of that fancy food?" a blonde boy asked.

"Sorry bro we didn't end up finishing." he replied. I giggled as he led me to the couch.

"Do you want to borrow some clothes?" he asked.

"As much as I would love to change out of this I don't think you would have any clothes that would fit me." I replied laughing.

"You're right but my sister left some clothes over here so you can borrow that." he said.

He lead me to the bathroom handing me his sisters old clothes. It wasn't anything fancy but a grey v neck shirt and british flag leggings. I washed off my make-up and put my hair in a messy bun. I texted Desirae saying I would be home late and not to worry. She replied okay with a winky face. I walked out and came face to face with his flat-mate.

"Sammy?" Niall asked.

"YOU'RE HIS ROOMATE?" I whisper yelled.


"Hold up he said I was smoking hot?" I asked.

What I am a girl I care about these sorts of things. He nodded.

"I'm sorry about how I acted." he said and then he kisssed me. I pushed him off and whispered yelled at him.


"I'm sorry but I don't want you with him, I want you with me."

"Niall I love you so much, but I love Josh too."

Just as on que Josh came out.

"Hey Sammy. Wanna watch a movie?" he asked. I nodded and moved past Niall to Josh. Josh and I sat on the couch cuddling and watching Finding Nemo. I cryed into his shoulder when the mom died and all the happy parts. What I'm an emotional girl.

"Josh I have to tell you something." I whispered.

"What babe?" he replied.

"Niall and I, we dated and I think I still love him." Josh sighed.

"I knew something was up between you two. I really don't want to let you go but if you're happy I'll be fine." he said. I smiled as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I love you so so so much Josh. Can we still be friends?" I asked hopefully.

"Sure, but if things don't work out between you and Niall think of me?" he said. I grinned and kissed him on the cheek. I whispered in his ear

"Of course." I sat up and walked over to Niall.

"Hey Horan! One more chance." I said. He picked me up by the waist and spun me around. We laughed and hugged.

"I promise I won't mess up this time." he said.

"I know you won't." I replied. I kissed him.

"I gots to go. I'll see you both tomororow?" I asked. The both nodded there heads and I walked out the door carrying my shoes, my bag, and my soaking wet dress. I texted Angelina to come pick me up.

She was there in fifteen minutes and beaming with excitement. I got in the car and was bombarded by questions.

"I'll tell you and the girls when we get home." I said.

She tried to protest when I yelled "YOU CAN'T PROTEST YOU'RE NAME IS NOT JIMMY!!"

She laughed and we arrived at the house. I walked in again to be bombarded by 3 girls.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!?!" terra screamed.

"I'll tell you in the living room." I said.

The girls ran to the couch and were litterally jumping up and down. I explained everything in full detail to my date with Josh and seeing Niall and stuff. They awwed and the sweet moments and giggled at the funny.

"So are you and Niall together?" Desirae asked.

"Well obviously!" I replied thonking her on the head.

"Ow!" she said. I giggled and went to the bathroom.

"Well I'm going to take a shower and change into my own clothes." I said.

As I walked into the bathroom I screamed

"OH ANGE YOUR DRESS IS SOAKING WET!!!!" I heard a high pitched scream and running up stairs. I turned on the water and stripped humming to a tune I had stuck in my head. The warm water felt great against my ice cold skin. I walked out and into my room and picked out some nice pajammas. It took me a while but I finnally decided on a a cute set. I grabbed the hanger and put it on.

I wore a white tank top that had snoopy sleeping on it, with great sweat pants that said snoopy on my butt! I walked out smiling like an idiot.

"I'm going to bed." I said before returning to my room.

"Bye!!" they all said in unison. I fell asleep listening to Ed Sheeran Firefely......

Author's Note: Hey guisse. As always Sammy's Pajama outfit is in the external link so make sure to check it out. And don't forget to vote, comment, and fan me! xX

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