Chapter Eight: Meet The Family.....

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Sammys' P.O.V.

"Hey I just met you! And this is crazy but heres my number-" I started singing. I soon realized my brother Zayn was laughing un-controbally at me. It feels good to say brother. And another great part about being Zayns sister is that Angie is always close by. Today I was going to meet the family. I was kind of intimidated because well as we all know I do not have an accent. I am a hopless american.

"You got a nice voice." Zayn said entering my bedroom. I blushed slightly at his compliment. I mean it's not everyday you have a world famous singer telling you you can sing in your house.

"Hey dude if you don't mind I gotta get changed so for lack of a better way to say this. GET OUT OF MY BEDROOM!!" I yelled quoting Harry. Zayn laughed and walked out. I walked into the shower and put some music on.

I sang along to the words of SkyScraper by Demi Lavato while washing my hair. I grabbed a towel and walked to my closet. I wanted to make a good impression on my family. I loved saying that. My Family. I mean don't get me wrong I love my foster mom and dad and my little brother but I just couldn't wait to meet the people who were my family. However my foster parents will always be my REAL parents.

I looked in my closet sontimplating what to wear. Finally I decided to wear a Wonder Women symbol t-shirt with some H&M Skinny Low Skinny Jeans. I paired it with grey vans and a black bow. I lightly curled my hair and put on some jewelry. I put on brown eye-liner, pink lip-stick, nude colored nail polish, and some of my favorite perfume. I grabbed my iphone 4 and walked out of the room.

I walked down down the hall into the living room to find Zayn and Angelina making out.

"EWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!" I said loudly enough to wake up all of Denver. They pulled apart and they blushed. I smiled and looked for approval from Angelina. She nodded her head at me.

"So should we go?" I should have said the family travels with Zayn so that's why I could see them now.

Zayn grabbed his keys and we headed out. Angelina turned on the radio to 93.3. It was my favorite song of all time. I screeched happy as can be wand Zayn and Angie looked at me like I was insane. It was put the gun down by ZZ Ward. (On The side). I sang loudly and full of passion hitting every note. Ooh, ooh,

I got ten fingers to the sky,

My back to the wall, my white flag high,

Hair, lips, just like a gun,

She's got silver bullets on her tongue,

He's deep under her spell,

I'm screamin' out, but it just won't help,

I think I'm cursed,

I had him first,

Oh, Adeline, have mercy

You don't wanna break my heart,

Take what's mine, don't hurt me,

Steal my money, steal my car,

Don't take my man, don't take my man,

I said, don't take my man 'cause you know you can,

Put the gun down, ooh,

Put the gun down, ooh,

She stole my man, took him from me,

She's got crimson eyes, a screamin' body,

Face is young, she must taste sweet,

She drops those panties to her knees,

Walkin' on my happy home,

She won't give up until I'm gone,

I think I'm cursed,

I had him first,

Oh, Adeline, have mercy,

You don't wanna break my heart,

Take what's mine, don't hurt me,

Steal my money, steal my car,

Don't take my man, don't take my man,

I said, don't take my man 'cause you know you can,

Put the gun down, ooh,

Put the gun down, ooh,

Put the gun down, put the gun down,

Put your finger on the trigger now,

Put it down, put it down,

Put it down, put it down,

Put the gun down, put the gun down,

Or I'mma set fire to the whole damn house,

Put it down, put it down,

Put it down, put it down,

Whoa, oh, Adeline,

Oh, Adeline, have mercy,

You don't wanna break my heart,

Take what's mine, don't hurt me,

Steal my money, steal my car,

Don't take my man, don't take my man,

I said, don't take my man 'cause you know you can,

Put the gun down, ooh,

Put the gun down, ooh,

Put the gun down, ooh,

Put the gun down, ooh,

Put the gun down.

The song was over and I was completely out of breath. I looked to see the shocked expressions on their faces. I blushed and looked out the window. We arrived at the hotel where they were staying. I was completely nervous and I was shaking. Zayn knocked on the door and was greeted by a women with brownish hair. Zayn hugged her and she instantly stared at me. I ran to her and engulfed her in a huge bear hug. I cryed into arms as she did with me. I couldn't beleive I was meeting the woman who gave birth to me.

Soon i was greeted by two beautiful young girls who I assumed were my sisters. I hugged them as the laughed and cried with me. I already loved them. After I had greeted everyone we sat down on the sofa.

"So what's up?" I asked trying to break the silence.

"We missed you!!!" my two sisters yelled.

"Wait you knew about me?" I asked slighlty confused.

"We always knew. Zayn as well!!" they smiled.

"ZAYN YOU KNEW WHO I WAS AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME" I screamed angry and confused.

"Yes and I'm sorry I didn't tell you I didn't want to freak you out." he said his voice full of guilt. By now I was sobbing.

"SCREW YOU ZAYN I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!!!!!" my cracking. I walked out and slammed the door behind me. I didn't know where to go so I just started running! Running fast and far.

Author's Note: Samanthat's outfit is on the side if you want to go see it! xX

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