Chapter Twenty-One: I Miss You

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Authors note: Oh yes that is correct I am in fact continuing on with the story. I have been dying to continue so if you have stuck with this book i want to thank you. Please tell your friends about about it if you enjoy it oh and be sure to read my other stories. Make sure to listen to the song throughout the chapter for the full effect. Yeah and without further ado the chapter we've all been waiting for!! xx

Niall's P.O.V.

It's been 3 weeks since Samantha has been kidnapped and I have no idea where she is. The police aren't any help and I haven't even talked to her. I haven't been outside this entire time. Sure most of the fans have been comforting but the others are just pathetic. The girls have been over a few times and have tried to comfort me and talk to me but no one could replace Sammy's sweet and gentle touch.

Sometimes I think that if I pop over to their house that she'll be there but then reality strikes again. I don't know how Zayn is doing it, he still seems so happy and joyful. I just don't understand. More than anything I want her back here in my arms. I don't eat very much anymore I just have lost the will.

But as I lie here in bed I wonder what Samantha is going through. I mean she's been through so much and I just want to go over and save her. The problem is, we have no idea where she is. It's been driving me insane all I want to do is rescue her and hold her in my arms again. To stare into her chocolate brown eyes and lose myself in her laugh. God how I miss her voice.

I heard on knock on the door making my train of thought crash.

"Niall!" *tap tap tap*

I knew that voice was to high pitched to be one of the boys. I walked over and sure enough it was Angelina. Don't get me wrong it's not that I'm not happy to see the girls but already my world revolves around Sammy and everytime they come over it brings back so many memories.

"Niall, you need to go outside. I know this is hard. BUt Sammy wouldn't have wanted you-"

I cut her off.

"Don't talk about her like that."

She gave me a questing look.

"Don't talk about her like she's already dead." I spoke.

"I'm sorry Niall but you have to get out there. Your fans miss you, the boys miss, we all miss you. You have to go out and talk to them." she finished her eyes filled with pain.

"Let me get changed." I said. She smiled and went to Zayn's room. I threw on a white shirt some jeans and a snapback. I threw on some nikes and walked ot the kitchen. I grabbed a muffin from the counter and turned on the t.v.

"Breaking news it has been announced that police officials have found the body of whom they believe to be 19 year old Samanthat Rodriguez. Police officialls have contacted those close to Samantha. In other news is your vacume really doing it's job?"

The news hit like a ton of bricks. I ran to Zayns room crying and pounding on the door. Zayn opened up with tears in his eyes with the phone in his hands. We engulfed eachther in a hug crying about the girl we both loved.

Within 15 minutes all of the boys were at our place calling the girls and telling them to come over immdietly. The girls soon arrived sobbing violently into eachothers arms. Twitter was swarming with the fans condolenses and paparazzi gathered outside of our house.

Liam called the police station and they needed Zayn and I to idenify the body. We drove to the station and went into the room. The man brought us to a cold room with a body laying on a table in the front. He slowly pulled down the sheet exposing the girl I who was once filled with life and kindness and joy.

We nodded signalling it was her and ran out of the room as quickly as possible. It was true the girl I loved was dead. I thought coming to the police station it would be a poor girl we didn't know but it was her. It was the girl i once said I love you too on the first day we met. it was the girl I planned to marry. Zayn and I went back to the flat to see fans swarmed around crying telling us that she was amazing and deserved to live.

We went inside seeing the girls with a hopeful face. I started crying and they did too. Sammy didn't deserve to die like that. She deserved to live a full and happy life. The room was filled with sobs and sniffling. We were all a wreck. We were all in to much pain to talk to eachother.

Samantha was dead. And there was nothing I could do to save her. Jesus christ, I had some hope she would still be alive but she isn't. I can't explain what it's like to lose somebody you love to the moon and back. It's a feeling that I wouldn't want anyone to go through.

Author's P.O.V.

The room was silent for a moment as if Samantha was there telling them not to cry for her because now she was done suffering. Niall was a wreck now and the boys had no idea what to do with him. The girls asked the boys to return to their house to have one last look at Samantha's room.

It was a sad drive to their house but also a silent one. No one dared to speak for the situation was far to dreadful. The situation was out of line. Once they arrived to her house they walked in, the house had a cold feling now not the once warm and homey feeling it once had.

They entered Samantha's room slowly seeing the place exactly as she left it. Her vanity filled with her make-up and accesories exactly the way she left them. Her bed perfectly made with the exeption of a corner un folded. They stepped inside wandering around not knowing what to do.

Tori spoke with a soft voice,"It's like she never left."

Her voice cracked at the end their eyes burned with a lump in their throat. Niall ran his fingers on her bed remembering her, touch the way she smelled her voice. He missed her more than anything.

The pain was unbearable. He left the room holding in his tears until he was outside.

He screamed a blood curdling scream and sobbed violently on the floor. His face was red wth anger but his heart was filled with sadness. Samanatha Rodriguez was no more.

Authors note. So Samantha is dead.....I was litteraly crying while writin this but make sure to tell me you're opinions in the comment below. Tell me what was your favorite thing about the character we lost.

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