Chapter Six: You Are The Best Thing That's Ever Been Mine........

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Angelinas' P.O.V.

Zayn was the best boyfriend ever!! He was sweet and kind. What I loved most about him was that he respected me. I knew it because he would never push me to anything I didn't want to. Only because he knew I would punch him in the nose if he did. Today we were going on a proper date to a fancy resturaunt. I loved dressing up and getting fancy. I wonder if Zayn looked for that in girls. I hadn't told him yet but he wasn't my first kiss. He thought he was but he wasn't. I knew I wasn't his well because he is Zayn Malik.

I walked over to my closet and picked out a white tight dress that had sparkles on the rim of the neck and spaghetti straps. My shoes were thin gold stelletos and were studded with fake diamonds. My bag was the some color as my dress but with a gold chain. I loosely curled my hair and put a diamond headband in my hair. I put on some gold bracelets, some white rose earings, And a silver necklace that had an infinity symbol. I put on white eyeshadow and put some eyeliner and mascara on. I put on bright red lipstick and some pink blush.

I walked over to my car and drove to the resturaunt. Zayn wasn't picking me up, he said he had something important to do. I decied to drive by his flat. I walked up the flight of stares but when I reached outside his apartment I saw a bleach blonde girl kissing him. I didn't know what to do. Before I knew it I had tears streaming down my face ruining my make-up. I knew he was being to nice to me. I shook my head and walked straight over to him.

I pulled the blonde off his lips by her hair.

"Oi mate!! What the heck?!" she exlaimed.

"Having fun kissing my boyfriend are you. Oh wait should I say Ex-Boyfriend." I said angered by her reaction. I looked at Zayn his face completely in shock. Before he even knew it I punched Zayn in the nose. This caused him to fall with blood gushing through his hands. The tears had started again so I walked away. I turned back one more time seeing the girl tending to him giving me a nasty glare.

I ran down the stairs straight into my car. As soon as I sat down I started crying my eyes out. I knew Zayn was being a little off. Why would he love me? Me! Angelina Mata!! He would never love me. I thought about all of our memories. I really hated that boys guts. I texted Terra, Sammy, and Desirae. Me and Tori weren't in the best place right now. I told them to meet me at my flat. I reached my house seeing all three girls huddled together.

I ran to them taking my hels off. The ground was cold on my feet. I cryed into Terras' shoulder. she patted my back trying to calm me down, now my big teers were now soft whimpers. I got off her and went into the flat. I looked at them and motioned for them to sit. They did as I suggested. I decided to get changed I went into my room stripped and put some grey sweatpants on with a loose fitting t-shirt. I put my hair in a messy bun and washed my face. I walked back into the room. I weakly smiled at the girls.

"Angie, What's wrong." Sammy said sympathetically.

"I saw Zayn kissing another girl!!" I yelled. They all had a shocked expression on their faces. Suddenly a knock was on my door. I stood up to get it then thought it could be Zayn.

"Who is it?" I said in a posh british accent. I heard him laugh through the door.

"It's Zayn!!!" he yelled.

"GO AWAY!!!" I screamed utterly annoyed. I could hear him crying through the door.

"Angie, I'm so sorry!!! She was my ex girlfriend and she was stalking me! She was outside my door and when I went out to tell her to go away, she kissed me!" he said

I unlocked the door and opened it a crack. I saw him running his hands through his hair. He looked like a mess and his nose.....I was pretty sure I broke it. I opened the door completely and I saw him turn.

"Zayn, I am giving you one last chance. Do NOT let me regret it!!" I said. he smiled and turned to me.

"I love you Angelina." he said and smiled. I leaned him and kissed him passionatly forgetting about my friends.

"I love you too." I said. I pulld him in my hand in his.

Sammy looked pissed, Desi looked confused, and Terra looked happy. Sammy stood up and walked towards us.

"I swear to god Zayn! You hurt he again and you will not be able to have kids!" she said. Zayn looked worried.

"Okay I promise I won't hurt her." Desi smiled at him. I guess she wasn't entiely comforatble with him here. Zayn shot her a reasurring look.

Terra came up and hugged him. Zayn was confused as was I. But then she walked away. Sammy broke the awkward silence.

"Okay people where the heck is all the food?!?!" she asked outraged.

"Oops I guess I forgot to buy some...." I said. Sammy jaw dropped.

"How do you forget to buy food!! You need it to live!!!!" she said. I actually had been on a diet. I thought I was quite fat. Sammy offered to get the food but knowing her she would by the whole store. So I asked Zayn if he would go with her

He nodded his head and kissed before grabbing his keys. They took his car obviously.

Author's Note: Angelina's dinner outfit is in the external link if you want to go ahead and check it out.

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