Chapter Five: You're The One For Me...

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Terras' P.O.V.

I sat there awkwardly as each of the girls were laughing with the boys. I felt out of place and just wanted to hide. I pulled out my orange iPod and turned on Ed Sheeran Cold Coffee. He was my favorite singer and I wanted to meet him so bad. In fact I had tickets to his next concert in Denver. I couldn't wait for it. I turned up the volume and hummed silently to the tune. I didn't want to be noticed so I didn't move. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. I really wanted to be alone but instead I took out my headphones and faced Liam.

"Yes." I said not meaning to be rude but with a hint of annoyence in my voice. He turned red and dropped his drink on my lap. "Shoot!" I muttered. His eyes widend. I forgot he was the innocent one. I smiled quickly to make him feel better.

I giggled at his reaction though. He smiled this time and we just sat there awkwardly for a moment. I stood up to go to the restroom. "Excuse me." I said. I turned toward the hallway and slipped into the bathroom. I opened my purse and found my extra pair of shorts. I always brought them in case something like this happened or it got to hot I mean this is colorado. You don't know when the weather changes.

I changed into the white shorts and applied some more lip stick. I walked out and put the jeans in my tote bag. I smiled and walked back to the couch.

"Who's hungry?" I screamed. Niall and Sammy instantly looked at me.

"ME" they all yelled in unison. Creepy...

"I'm gunna go pick up some pizza any requests." After getting all of the orders down I had a totall of 10 pizzas to get. I checked my wallet and found only 7 dollars. I knew that wasn't enough.

"Who wants to pitch in?" I smiled. Liam stood up.

"If you want I can go with you." I smiled and nodded. We walked to Liams car and got in. Her turned the key.

The first five minutes were sorta awkward so I turned on the radio station. It was One Direction. Don't get me wrong they have talent but I can't listen to them a lot or I get annoyed. I quickly changed it hoping he didn't notice. He did.

"Hey! Don't you like my band?" I smiled not wanting him to know and nodded.

"Actually no. You're lyrics have no meaning. All you do is sing about a girl who doesn't want to date you or how beautiful she is. Your lyrics have no real deeper meaning." I said truthfully. The girl pulled over and Liams hands clenched the steering wheel turning his knuckles white.

"Get out!!!" he said harshly. I stared at him in awe. Who knew the "nice" guy from One Direction was such a jerk. I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door. I walked out and slammed the door hard behind me. I texted Sammy and asked if she could pick me up. She asked why and I told her I would explain it on the way back. She pulled up not even 15 minutes later but god was it cold. I hopped into her car.

"What happened?" she asked. Her voice was full of concern.

I smiled trying to hold back tears but failing miserably. I put my head in my hands while I was shaking. I looked up at her and wiped away the tears. Sammy was a good friend. I cleared my throat.

"Okay so what happened was I told him I couldn't listen to 1D cuz you know. And he totally flipped out and made me get of his car and he sped away." I said it very fast. She smiled sympathetically and patted my back. We arrived back at the house and I knew I looked a mess. I walked in confidently excpecting to see "Him" there. I looked but didn't see him or anyone for that matter.

I looked at Sammy and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I BROUGHT FOOD!!!" I yelled and everyone showed up.

"Sorry! I lied!" I laughed.

"Never joke about food, Pinkie." Angelina said with a serious tone.

They all pouted and I giggled. Sammy laughed with me. That felt good. Liam walked in then killing my moment of fun. I walked away knowing if I made contact with him I would expolde. I felt a tap on my shoulder. Please don't let it be him. Please don't let it be him....... I turned around and Boom it was him. I clenched my fists ready to pound his butt. Instead of doing that I found myself staring at his eyes.

I knew he was sorry but I was not going to forgive him! I couldn't!! Not this time. Not this fudging time! I turned around ready to walk away when Liam ran in front of me. Instead of saying he was sorry yet again he did something un-expected. His lips crashed into mine. At first I was suprised then ready to pull apart when all I did was kiss back. I felt butterflies in my stomache. He pulled apart before it became a full make-out session. I smiled at him then I did something un-expected.

I slapped him. Hard. I wantded to take it back but I just stood there confidently. I looked at him and smiled weakly. He laughed and pecked my cheek and grabbed my hand. We walked back into the kitchen finding two pizzas still left. I grabbed my pizza and he grabbed his. But before I sat down I grabbed a spoon. I hid it behind my back and walked over to him. I threw the spoon at him and he let out a shriek and fell.

I laughed and stole his pizza. He got up and tickled me so hard I snorted. "I surrender!!" I yelled out of breath. He kept tickling until I threatend him with another sppon. He quickly got off and I kissed him on the cheek. We sat there eating our pizza while the others looked at us like we were mental. I smiled and thought to myself. I fanally found my great guy and I couldn't wait until I could see him next.

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