Chapter Twenty-Two: A Little Fall Of Rain

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Author's Note: I know you guys are all very upset about Samantha dying but I have a little suprise in store. More on that later but for now read to find out about Niall and Samantha. P.s. Grab the tissues because I swear to god it's going to be sad. And don't forget to listen to the song. I really think it brings the story line out. The song starts at 1:20 if you want to skip to it. Xxx

Niall's P.O.V.

I've been a mess. I haven't slept, eaten, or gone outside in weeks. I mean I'm not the only one who's sad we all are. I mean Zayn is a mess partying drinking smoking. Angelina doesn't know what to do with him. I don't know what to do with me. I can't go online it's trending everywhere, the t.v. is filled with the news and I just can't bare it. The girls haven't left our apartment, they say it's not the same home without her.

Life isn't the same without her. Like right now she'd be telling us to get off our butts and go get food. God I miss her. You know sometimes I think maybe she'll come round to our house with her bubbly personality and her smile. She was the most amazing girl in the world, I don't think I could ever replace her.

Her funeral is soon. Zayn's mum has been planning it. I feel bad for not helping her but I just lose my mind thinking about it. I mean we lost her so quickly and so fast. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to her. And in the last few minutes of her life she was in hell, she was with a man who still hasn't been caught.

That's the part that irritates me the most, the fact that they know who he is, they just can't find him. I think that the girls have gone a little crazy. She brought them all together as a group. Angelina and her had been friends since 3rd grade, Tori and she had been friends since 6th grade, Terra and she had been friends since second grade. Desirae hadn't known the girls at all.

It's funny, I think in a way she brought all of us together. She tried so hard to be liked by all. I mean the fans loved her because she was one of them. I think we were all pretty shocked when we found out. The thing none of us thought to think about is that, she-she spent the last hour of her life wishing to be saved.

I just wish I was there to save her. The pain just sorta hits you, you know. You don't really beleive the person you love is gone until you see them. You can still hear their voice and all the memories flush back like a hurricane. It's hard to imagine a world without her. It's a world I don't want to live in. I just wish I could see her one more time.

I wish I could here her laugh one more time. Or hear her sing one last song. But as much as I believe she'll be back she won't. I know it for a fact. I saw her dead body. Now that's something I'll never forget.

The way her lips were blue, her skin pale and lifeless, her cold skin, the way her eyes won't open anymore. The way I can't hold her in my arms anymore. That's the thing I miss the most. When I got to hold her in my lap and play with her hair. The funeral is in a few days and I know it's going to be hard to see her again.

It'll be weird seeing her look alive but not be alive. I just wish that I got one last kiss goodbye from her. She was the love of my life and I can't beleive that our first kiss would be our last.

I'm not going outside anytime soon so I might as well try to get some sleep.

*Hey guys play the song now, remember it starts at 1:20*

I was dreaming now. I was sat in Samantha's room, I heard singing from the bathroom. Out walked Samantha I was shocked. Her was wet and she was drying it to the side with a towel. I mean there she was right there in front of me. Alive and well.

"Samantha how could this be? Samantha you're dead." I said with shock

"That's right Niall, but I needed to talk to you." she spoke crying.

"I missed you so much Niall, you know my last few thoughts were that I was never going to see you again." she said crying.

"Samantha I miss you so much." I said hugging her tight.

She pulled apart.

"You know there's this song that makes me think of you. It's called a little fall of rain. It says don't fret for me because I can't feel any pain. Niall all that matters is that you're here and were together even if it is for a little bit." she finished.

We sat on her bed I held her in my arms for one last time, I kissed herone last time, I told her I loved her one last time. The worst thing about that dream as no matter how much I thought it was real, it wasn't.

Samantha was dead and I was never really going to do any of those things again. I was never going to see her alive again.

Authors Note: Hey guys. This chapter was really hard for me to write without crying. I mean I cried but not the point. I know you all want her to come back but I have some suprises in store. And if you didn't understand the song the firl who was singing (Eponine) got shot and was dying but she found the strength to sing on last song with the man she loved. So um yeah please keep reading and please try to understand the story. I promise it'll get better. You can count on it.

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