Chapter 32

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Ziva glanced around the room, looking for a way out. She sighed knowing what she had to do.

Ziva started explaining how after she arrived at her apartment, she was captured. Then how she woke in a dark sandy room.

Next, how her kidnappers moved her to another room where she was asked questions and tortured. How all she could think about is Tony, and Gibbs, on how she had failed, again.

Then about the Cat and Mouse game. Where she was saved by Dalles.

Tony fringed at the thought of that game.

Ziva told him how two men came into her cell and she had tricked them into leaving her alone.

She explained how she tried to escape but instead found a huge room full of pictures, where she was shot.

"And then i found you." Tony said softly.

"And then you found me." Ziva repeated.

Tony smirked. "Wow," he said. He leaned back into the gray chair. "I... Don't know what to say."

"DiNozzo? Speechless?" Ziva laughed. "I thought that would never happen."

"Hey! I don't talk THAT much!" He joked.

"Sure," Ziva rolled her eyes.


A few hours later

"Hello Miss. David. I bet you have already heard that you are eligible to leave in 3 days." A lovely new nurse said. She had long blond hair and bright blue eyes.

Ziva nodded.

"Well then," she flipped through the pages on her clipboard. "You will need to be getting up and walking around, you know, to get your balance and strength back." She explained.

"When can i go back to work?" Ziva asked glancing at Tony then back at the nurse.

"Your ribs are mostly healed. But will be another 2 weeks until there are fully healed. And your shoulder will be mobilized in about a week." She said.

"You may resume desk duty in at least a month. But you cannot go out into the field until further appointments." She smiled at Tony.

"Umm.... Thanks?" Ziva said taking a deep breath and hopping the attractive nurse would leave.

Like she was reading Zivas mind, the nurse rushed out of the room.

"Yaaaayyy. A month at your, i mean our, apartment." Ziva flung back and sunk into her pillow.

"Its okey baby," Tony said leaning foreword in his chair and walking his fingers up her scared arm. "I will be there."

She smiled. "And what would we do?" Ziva bit her lip.

"That depends sweet cheeks, let us wait till then," he whispered kissing her cheek.


I am sorry for not updating 😭. My testing is almost over!!! 😂 so i will update the last chapter up shortly. (HINT: THE MORE YOU COMMENT THE FASTER I UPDATE)

Love u all and i can not tell you guys how sorry i am.


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