Chapter 6

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"How about what is your name and why am I here?" Ziva spat.

"You can have three questions." The man said kneeling infront of Ziva. "That was two. My name is Sam. And you are here because I need information on NCIS and Some if it's agents.

"I will save my last question for later." She said looking Sam dead in the eye.

"Okey. Now darling here are the rules. I ask you a question and you will answer it." Sam said calmly. "And if you refuse you will be punished. Sometimes by me but mostly my friends."

"I will not tell you anything." She barked. "Kill me. I will never speak."

"Oh! Sweetie! I don't wanna kill you. I will Do anything though to get what I want." He said nicely rub bling his hand lightly on Zivas cheek.

"Will you let me go?" She asked knowing she just lost her last question.

"Sure...maybe." He said sarcastically. He sat down in the other chair. "What is your name?"

"Sophie." Ziva said. She smirked lightly at the undercover mission that she and Tony had when they...

Zivas mind cut off the amazing memories with a punch in the stomach.

"LIER!"he yelled. "Your name is Ziva David."

She was quiet.

"When did you start to work for NCIS?" He asked

"About maybe 8 or 9 years ago." She answered truthfully.

"Tell me all the names of your team." He ordered.

Ziva didn't say anything she knew what she was up against.

"Tell me!" He yelled now getting angry. He walked to the table which had the briefcase on it. He opened it and with the little light that was in that room, Ziva could see the glimmer of sharp knives. She gulped.

"You see, I have no issue of harming you. Truthfully? It's kinda fun. Knowing that a pretty girls life depends on what you do." He said walking over to her with one of the knives.

"I don't care what you do to me. I will die before I tell you one damn thing!" She barked.

"That is fine dear." He whispered as he lightly ran the tip of the knife down her arm. The knife was so sharp that it had a trail of blood.

Her heart sped up. She knew what he was going to do next. Salem did the same thing to her.

He stopped the knife at her wrists and lifted it up. "This knife is very sharp. I will ask you one more time. What are the names on your team?"

She said nothing and prepared herself for what she knew what was going to happen next.

He slowly slid the knife into her thigh. The pain was so bad that she had blood coming from her lip from bitting to hard. He slowly took it out the. Cut all the ropes that held Ziva. Her hands went straight to the wound on her leg.

"Good bye to you know see you later my love." Sam said opening the bolted door and closing it behind him. The clicking of the locks gave Ziva the horrible memory of Somalia.

"Tony."she whispered ever so quietly. "Please find me."

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