Chapter 8

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Zivas leg had stopped bleeding. She was sitting down in the far left corner with her head against the wall. She wanted to sleep but she was scared she would be caught.

What if they don't find me in time? what if i die before they do? whats going to happen next? do they know that im gone? how long have i been here? will i ever have the chance to tell Tony how i feel?

The bolted door opened again and Sam walked in with a rope. "Get up!"

She refused to move from her spot in the corner.

"I said get up!" He yelled again grabbing her arm and pulling her to her feet. He tied her wrists behind her back. "We are going to play a game!"

He dragged her down the small hallway toward double doors. Inside was a huge room. A blank floor plan and the size of a basketball court.

He walked to the middle of the room and sat her down. "The game is called Cat and Mouse. You are the mouse. And my friends are the cats." She looked at the doors which she just came through. 5 huge men came in and circled Sam and her.

She gulped.

"I will ask you a question. If you answer it, correctly, I will not the "cats" loose." Explained Sam.

"Okey." She said quietly while he undid her wrists.

"Question one." He walked over and leaned up on a wall. "What are the names of your team?"

She was silent but stood up and turned. The men started to come toward her. She knew what will happen if she gave up the names. Her whole team will be compromised and disbanded. Sbe also knew what will happen if she didnt answer. I took on many men before in Mossad. She thought.

"Okey boys. Have at it!" Sam laughed. He was enjoying this. When the 5 men started to close her in she decided to try to run. She ran through the hole before she fell over from the pain from her leg. Before she could think twice. She was beaten harshly. She was conscious for most of the beating until one of the men punched her hard in the jaw. Sam saw that and got really mad.

"I need her conscious you ass!" He screamed pointing his gun at the man. A shot rang off and the man fell dead.

"Get her back to the room!" He ordered. One of the men, who was obviously younger. He wasn't as large as the other 4.

She was slightly awake when he carefully lifted her up and carried her out of the room. When he knew that sam couldn't hear him. "My name is Dallas. Dallas Mills. I will help you get out if you can help me."

"Okey." She breathed before falling limp in his arms.

"Im sorry." He whispered in her ear as he softly laid her down. He slid 2 pain killers in her hand and closed in so Sam wouldn"t see it if he walked in. "You will be okey. I promise."

Sorry for the short update.

It will mean a lot to me if you commented.

Thank u for reading.

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