Chapter 31

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"Are you alright, sweet cheeks?" Tony mumbled between kisses. He lightly sat on the edge of her bed after holstering his Sig. He leaned over and wraped one arm around Zivas neck holding her steady while his other hand gently rubbed her thigh underneath the cotton bed sheet.

"Im..." She paused slightly pulling away. She looked into his deep emerald green eyes. "Fine." She whispered.

Tony smiled. "Thats good then." He said standing up.

"Tony..." Ziva begged. "Please don't leave me."

"I would never leave you Sweet Cheeks." He said. "I have some good news."

Ziva leaned back on her pillow. After her experience, she was getting alot stronger and the pain was getting less and less. She was still in pain but she would never admit it. A sign of week weekness. "What?"

"With 24 hour supervision, you can leave in 3 days." Tony smiled.

"3 days?" She asked. She had been in this room for weeks, she wanted to get out.

"Yes." Tony said. "I need to ask you a question."

Ziva cocked her head slightly. "Hum?"

He took her good hand in his own. She noticed he looked at the light scar that ran up her arm. "Will you move in with me?"

Ziva had to think about this. She loved Tony. She really did. She really loved Ray too. But, that was before. He was behind her and in a federal prison.

She thought about the past. The games they had played, the looks that were exchanged, The memories that were made, good and bad.

Half of her screamed No! He will only break your heart. Run you off the road just like Ari, Eli, Michael, and Ray.

But the other half wanted to be happy for once. To be with the one that she would hive her own life for.

"Yes." She whispered, still considering the question.

Tony smiled. It was a front smile though. He had pains and questions that he wanted to be relieved but was weary of asking or telling.

Ziva noticed this. "Tony," she said calmly. "What is it?"

Tony sighed and walked around the small bed to the chair that he had spent so many night in.

"Ziva." He grabbed her hand once more. "Tell me."

She knew what he met. He had already tried this. "You know." She said turning her head away. Ashamed of what she let happen to herself.

"No. I do not know. Even if i did, i want to hear it from you." Tony said. He sighed. "You never talked about it."

"What is there to talk about?" Ziva asked glaring out the window.

"Baby." Tony whispered inching his chair closer. "Please." He paused. "Let me in."

Ziva sighed and looked back at Tony. She gulped as she opened her mouth to speak. A tear peaked from the edge of her eye.

"Where do i start?" She whispered.

Heres the next chapter! hope you like it? Please comment on where to go to next.

I wanna take a moment to say thank you to all my active readers. Thank you all for voting, commenting and adding this story to your lists.



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