Chapter 7

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"Is the Director in?" Barked Gibbs.

"Yes Sr. But.."Gibbs barged into the office with Fornell following him. "She has a meeting."

"OUT NOW!" He yelled at the man who was sitting at the table. The poor man scrambled to grab all of his stuff and ran out of the room.

Tobias shut the door. "We have a huge problem Jenny!" Yelled Gibbs.

"Other than a missing agent?" She asked.

"The kidnapper is Samuel Marino. He's on the FBI's most wanted list for 18 unsolved murders." Tobias said.

"If Zivas not dead yet she soon will be. She is probably being tortured for info!" Bellowed Gibbs.

"Jethro please..." Jenny calmly said.

"I want CIA, FBI and Homeland A phone call away." Yelled Gibbs.

"Please... Just listen. I have already called every agency and you have full corporation. CIA would rather not though because of what happened with Ray. And Homeland will not answer my calls. If possible please just use the FBI." Jenny explained.

"Tobias, can we have a moment?" Asked Gibbs.

"Sure. I'm gunna make sure my agents are still alive." He answered. When he left the room Gibbs looked Jen straight in the eye.

"Jethro," Jenny stated.

"What Jen? I have a missing agent. I have a missing daughter. And it doesn't seem like your even trying to help!" Gibbs growled.

"I understand. I know how this feels Jethro." Jenny said.

"No you don't!" mumbled Gibbs while he stormed out of the room.

Tobias was in the squad room with his two agents, Tony and McGee.

McGees face was pale. His big sister that he never had was gone. He couldn't think straight. Tonys constant ranting isn't helping his mood ether. The only way to keep his mind off of it was going down to Abby's lab and helping.

Abby was broken. Music hasn't played in her lab since they heard about Ziva. It took awhile for her to warm up to Ziva but now that she had, she lost her. Abby couldn't go through another Kate.

Tony was heartbroken. The love of his life, and the forbidden love, is gone. Dead for all he knows. He can't close his eyes without seeing her. He knows that they will find her. But will it be too late?

"McGee! Abby emailed you. Put it on the plasma." Gibbs ordered

"Okey boss. Here you go...Oh my god." McGee stopped and stated at the screen.

"What is it McGee? What the hell?!?" Yelled Tony looking at Samual Marino. "What have we gotten are selves into?"

Hey everyone! Please comment. Tell me if you like it. I need help with the next chapter. It's with Ziva. If you have any ideas please comment!!

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