Chapter 30

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Tony stood in the door way smoking gun in hand. Sam was on the ground with a bullet in his side.

A nurse ran in to see what the firing noise was. She then called out to get a gurney and took Sam out of the room.

"What the hell just happened?" Gibbs asked breathing heavy.

"I shot Sam." Tony said holstering his gun not looking at him, he was starring at the huge blood puddle.

"Where is he?" Gibbs asked.

"Probably surgery." Tony answered. "I wanted to shoot him right through the skull." He said.

"I will go and see." Gibbs leaned close to Tonys ear. "Make sure shes okey."

Ziva still hasn't moved. She just starred at the blood puddle like she starred at Salem. Tony, again, saved her at the break of the minute.

"Ziva, can you fight?" Tony whispered sitting in the hot room sitting in the wooden chair that had him bound in front of his beloved partner.

"Oh, hey, Saleem." He said watching the devil emerge with a knife in his hand. "What's up, man? What's the commotion?"

"We're moving out." Salem said looking out of the small rectangle window.

"Oh, well, that's good. I was getting kind of tired of this place." Tony sarcastically said.

"We're not taking prisoners." Salem barked back. Slowly walking passed Tony and behind Ziva.

"Oh, well, okay, it was nice talking with you." Tony quicky said bobing his head.

"No, we're not done yet." Salem grabbed the back of the beaten Zivas head and clenched it hard in his fist. He raised the knife to her throat and lightly pressed it.

"If they do not check in, their people will come looking for them." Ziva said quickly.

"Ziva, shut up." Tony interrupted.

"Kill me." Ziva said. She had been waiting for this moment for three months. "You'll need the Americans for leverage."

"I don't make bargains." Salem said to Ziva.

"Do you make pizza?" Tony asked. Salem looked at him then looked back at Ziva.

McGee swung his legs around making Salem fall and his knife fell with him. McGee grabbed the knife and Salem grabbed his gun and pointed it at his head.

What? Stop! Stop! There's something I haven't told you yet." Tony yelled trying to save his best friends.

"And what is that?" Salem said standing up and walking to the left of Ziva. Gun still in hand.

Well I told you about the brains, I told you about the guts, I told you about the muscle, the scientist, the politician, the leader." Tony rambled. "I told you about every member of the team except myself. The part I play."

"Which is?" Salem asked.

"I'm the wild card. I'm the guy who looks at the reality in front of him and refuses to accept it." Tony smiled. "Like, right now I should be terrified, right? But I'm not. 'Cause I just can't stop thinking about the movie True Lies, you know, where Arnie's strapped to the chair and shot full of truth serum, then he picks his cuffs and kills everybody." Tony talked fast but kept talking. Stalling stalling stalling... He thought.

"You have 30 second to live, Saleem." Tony finally said. Zivas eyes are huge with fear and desire.

"You're still bound." Salem laughs. "You're lying."

"I can't lie." Tony said. "And I didn't say I was going to be the one to kill you."

Ziva looked into Tonys eyes. How does he expect to kill him? Tony DiNozzo. Here. To save ME. How dies this happen?

"Remember when I told you my boss was a sniper?" Tony smiled.

Before Salem could react, a sniper bullet crashed through the small window and landed right in the middle of Salems forehead.

Ziva looked over her shoulder. After months and months of him torturing her, violating her, he finally got what he deserved. Even if she would have wanted a more painful death.

She looked into the eyes of Salem. Pure evil bled through the hole and shot through his lifeless eyes starring right back at her.

McGee shot up and ran to Tony and cut his bound wrists. Then they both came to her side and un cuffed her roped wrists.

"Okay." Tony grunted pulling Ziva to her broken feet.

One arm around Tony and the other around McGees, Ziva tried to walk.

"Look out!" Tony said. McGee let off a shot. "Come on."

"Here we go." Tony said to Ziva when they turned the corner.

"All right." Mcgee said.

"Come on." Tony shifted his weight pulling more of Zivas on his. "All right, Ziva."

"Here we go." Tony said.

Mcgee raised his gun to shoot the next armed man. But someone else shot him first.

A man in a snipper suit came around the corner holding a KATE. "Let's go home." Gibbs said.

Tony, Ziva and McGee stopped and looked at their boss.

Zivas memory was cut off by soft, passionate lips on hers.

LONGGGG... CHAPTER! Hope you guys like it!!

I am aiming for about 40 chapters in this story. Maybe less.

dont worry!! I will have another story like this one! Stay tuned for more info!



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