Chapter 12

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Ziva took a deep breath then slid her head to check the hallway. The halway was clear but was dark at both ends.

She remembered when she was being dragged to the big room. She remembered seeing stairs heading up.

Clutching the knife she carefully shut the door behind her and quietly walked down the hallway, limping.

Her Mossad instincts started to kick in. Her training in both Mossad and NCIS ran through her head. She blocked out the piercing pain that ran through her whole body.

She reached the stairs and made her way up them. They ended in another hallway with doors running down them.

She crept to one of the doors and looked through the little window. What she saw scared her to her bones.

Knives. Guns. Everything someone could use to torture or kill someone.

She crept down the small hallway checking every door. They all were filled with painful weapons. Ziva had never seen so many.

The hallway ended into two hallways. Both were dark, and with no idea which one to take she just went right.

She then found herself in a brightly lit room with a handgun pointed at her head. "What the hell do you think your doing here?"

She hesitated. She looked around as much as she could without moving her head. The room was fulled with pictures of her team. But mainly her and tony. There was also charts on everything that related to the team.

"Drop the knife darling and no one will get hurt." Sam ordered. Dalles walked in at that moment and his eyes filled with fear and hatred. Ziva knew that he wanted to help her but he couldn't.

Ziva spun around and stabbed Sam in the side. Sam fired the gun at ziva and it hit her in the shoulder. Ziva fell back.

"DALLES!"Screamed sam. The wound wasn't that deep but it hurt.

"Yes Sr. here you go." Dalles said handing sam a towel.

"Get this Bi*ch outta here. Make sure that she stays." Ordered Sam. "Get Wally in here if you see him."

"Im sorry Miss." He whispered picking her up. When he down the halway he started talking again. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"I need to get out of here." She breathed. The wound bled down her arm and dripped off her fingers and on the floor.

"I know. You will. I promise." He whispered.

Ziva fell unconscious before they made it to her cell. Dalles laid he softly on the ground and put another towel over her shoulder. Her leg began to bleed again.

Dalles saw a strong-willed women and she will not break. She will not back down. She will not let go until she dies.

"You don't deserve this." He whispered, sadly attaching the chains to her wrists and ankles.

He walked out of the room and bolted the door behind him. Crazy Chick. He thought.

Thank you for reading! Please comment. I hope you like it! Please comment!

I will try to have the next chapter up tomorrow! Thank you all love you all!!!

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