Chapter 19

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Ziva heard a gunshot. She was hoping that it was Gibbs. Or McGee. Mostly Tony. She knew that she was not going to survive much longer if she doesn't get medical help.
She was taking short breaths now, trying to limit the pain that was now unbearable through out her body. She wanted to move, to get up and get out of this warehouse, but as her head pounded, and her heart ached for Tonys warm arms rapped around her, protecting her from the monsters that blanketed this planet.
She was still fading in and out of Conscious. She knew it would be only minutes before someone burst through that metal door.
It could be the team. Her team. Her family could bust through that door and save her. But it could also be that Sam guy. He could come and shoot her... Again. But this time it would fatal.
She was one again slipping deeper and deeper and her breathing became short and ragged. But heard the door slide open and Someones powerful footsteps running to her.
Before she was finally in gulped in the pain free darkness, she heard the voice of some one she owed her life to.
"Ziva!" Tony yelled. She heard him saying something else but it sounded like he was mumbling it because it was so distant.
Everything went black for the week Israeli.

Heres the new update! Hope you like it in sorry its kinda short! I am trying to get back in the habit of righting again!
THERE IS A NCIS MARATHON TOMORROW SEPTEMBER 1!! ITS ON USA!! Ahhhhh I'm so excited i never miss one! NO SCHOOL!!
Thank you all again for reading!! Love you all and I'm just not saying that! I really do!!

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