Chapter 5

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Tony was worried sick. All he could think about is what Ziva had said the night she was kidnapped
"When..." She started to tear up. "After about two months of being there, I started to think about.."
"What?" He asked softly rubbing her cheek.
"You." She whispered. "I need to get home though Tony..."she said as she flipped switch.
"Ziva..." Tony was speechless. The strong former Mossad had to think about him to stay alive? He couldn't think of what to say.
To take his mind off of Ziva, he started messing with McGee.
"Hay! McShe! What are you doing?" He asked.
"Umm, going down to abby." He said being not in the mood to be annoyed by Tony.
"Fine!" He said sarcastically. Why didn't I tell her when I had the chance? After everything we had gone through, being the best friends that we are and I let this happen to her... again! He thought. For all we know she could be dead right know!
Gibbs came matching in with his coffee in hand. "Well? Come on DiNozzo! Abby's got something!" He barked.
Tony shot up from his desk and followed Gibbs down to the lab.

When they walked in Abby was sobbing into McGees shoulder.
"Abby? What's wrong?" Gibbs asked patting her back.
"Gibbs." She said wiping the tears. "The blood from both the puddle...and the smear of blood... Is Zivas!" She cried.
"It doesn't mean she's gone." Gibbs whispered and kissed her forehead.
"Are you sure Abby?" Tony asked weekly.
"I triple checked Tony." Abby said.
"Thanks. I guess. Umm...anything else?" Tony asked.
"The fingerprints are running through aphis. But no match..."Abby said before being cut off by a beep then a alarm. "This is bad."
"Why Abby?" Asked McGee.
"We need call Gibbs NOW!" She said fumbling with her phone.
"Gibbs." He said through the speaker.
"Gibbs get down here now. And call the FBI while your at it. We have a HUGE problem." Abby said.
"Okey be right there." Gibbs said before hanging up.
Gibbs was down in the lab in seconds. "What is so important Abby?" He asked.
"Our fingerprints got a match but... The FBI blocked it." She said weary.
"Fornell. Get your ass over here now!"Gibbs yelled through the phone. "I don't care! I have a kidnapped agent! Get your ass over here!"

Ten minutes later FBI Special Agent Tobias Fornell walked through the elevator with two agent following behind him. "What do you mean you have a kidnapped agent?"
"I mean that Ziva has been captured and our only lead is blocked by the damn FBI!" Gibbs snapped.
"Oh. I'm sorry. I.."Fornell said.
"Save it Tobias. Lab now." Ordered Gibbs.
When the other two agents started to follow. Goins turned and barked."hay. you. STAY!" Gibbs pointed to the squad room.
"I'm sorry about your coworker. Agent DiNozzo." An agent softly.
"She's not just a coworker. She's my best friend. If..."Tony spat.
"Sorry!" The agent said sarcastically then sitting at Zivas desk.
"HAY! THATS NOT YOUR DESK!" yelled Tony and McGee.
"Man. Sorry!" He said before walking to the break room.
"I'm so sorry about him." Apologized the other agent.

When Gibbs came back with tobias trailing behind, they went straight to the directors office. Tony and McGee gave each other a look that shook fear in the FBI agents.

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