Chapter 2

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"I don't know but dental will be the only option. Looks like they were torched. Cigaret burns up and down each arm and leg on both victims." Ducky said examining the bodys.
"I will go get the gurneys." Jimmy said walking out of the room.

An hour later the team was sitting in the squad room almost falling asleep.
"Gibbs can we please go home? We pulled an all-nighter last night." Asked
"Yea, go home. I want you all here at 0800 sharp." Ordered Gibbs.
The team rushed out of the squad room.
"Do you wanna go and get drinks?" Tony asked Ziva.
"No sorry Tony. Maybe later I'm really tired." Ziva said.
"I'm gunna take the stairs." McGee said.
"Wow the elevator doesn't take that long!" Tony joked.
"Yea I guess." Ziva sighed.
When they stepped in the elevator and starting going down, Tony flipped the emergency switch.
"Spill it." He ordered.
"What do I need to spill Tony?"she asked.
"You have been distracted lately. Know what is wrong?" Tony asked.
"Tony, nothing is wrong." She lied. She had feeling for Tony but was trying to hide it. But what really bothered her was this case. It hit close to home with the whole team but mainly her and they new that.
"Zi, please tell me. I know this hurts deeper than anyone can ever know. Daniel hurt his victims like..." He trailed off noticing the hurt in her eyes."I'm sorry Zi I... I shouldn't have brought this up." He said switching the elevator back to motion.
Ziva switched it off again. "What happened to me in Somalia was horrible and no human should have to go through that. But these did. "When..." She started to tear up. "After about two months of being there, I started to think about.."
"What?" He asked softly rubbing her cheek.
"You." She whispered. "I need to get home though Tony..."she said as she flipped switch.
"Ziva..." Tony was speechless. The strong former Mossad had to think about him to stay alive? He couldn't think of what to say.
"The past is the past no mater how painful it was. Goodnight Tony." She said as she stepped out of the elevator.
"Wait Zi!" He called as he chased after her. She turned around. The week light shines in her eyes that made her even more than before.
"What Tony? Please I wanna go home." She said as she looked at him.
"I'm sorry for bringing this all up. I... I know it's hard." He said grabbing her shoulder.
"Thanks Tony but you will never now, not knowing what they will do to you next and how it feels to think that u will never see again. That you will never see you alive again. That you will never see the one or ones you love again." Ziva said strongly when walking to her car.
When Ziva was in her car Tony whispered," but I do"

Ziva arrived at her apartment almost falling over. She dropped her bag on the couch and went to the kitchen for some water.
"Why did I tell him? I never talk about what happened in Somalia. I told him that he was the one that kept me alive. Why did I do that?" She thought aloud.
She set the empty glass into the sink and made her way to her bedroom. She grabbed a picture off the nightstand. It was a picture of Tony that Abby had given to her. His mouth was wide open and his eyes were popped out of his head.
She giggled at the picture. Then felt someone starring at her. She reached for her sig but the hoister was empty. Before she could think someone hit the back of her head with the butt of a gun.
She fell to the ground blood dripping from the back of her head.
"We'll my darling were going for a little ride!"

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