Chapter 34

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3 Days Later

"Tony!!" Ziva praised when Tony stepped into the room with a bag and a huge glowing smile on his face.

"Hey sweetchecks! Guess what today is!" He teased setting down the bag at the foot of the white hospital bed.

"Im going home today!" She laughed as Tony leaned over her and laid his soft lips on hers.

"Yes Zi, you get to ho home." He said breaking the kiss and reaching for the bag.

"I brought exactly what u told me too," Tony started moving the contents of the bag around.

"Which was?" She asked holding her head high.

"Yoga pants, which are boot cut, your nike sneakers, and..." He paused rummaging through the bag full of clothes more fiercely, "And this blue sweatshirt." He held up the dark blue NCIS sweatshirt for Ziva to see.

Ziva smiled. "Something that DiNozzo finally got right huh?" She laughed.

"Here, let me help you up," Tony said briskly walking to the right side of her bed.

Ziva glared at him. "I don't need help, Tony."

"Yes u do Zi," he answered. He had excepted the fact that since she needs help doing everything now, he was doing to die.

"Ugh," she mumbled pulling off the covers with her left arm since her right was trapped in a sling still.

"Here," Tony put one hand on her lower back and grabbed her hand like he had scene the Doctors do it.

Tony pulled her up. She wobbled and used Tony as an anchor, physically and mentally.

"Thanks," she sighed looking up at him. Her once deep purple face now was turning back into her olive tone skin.

Tony smiled and guided her into the bathroom, grabbing her bag on the way.

After much arguing how she obviously didnt need help changing, that she had done it by herself since she was four, The couple was ready to go.

"Gibbs is down at check out now," Tony said after he helped ziva sit on the rickety hospital bed that she had lived in for the past few weeks.

"Ms. David are you ready?" A doctor asked wheeling in a wheel chair.

"Yes..." She paused looking at the chair. "No way i am riding in that thing."

"You have too Zi, you can't walk that far." Tony pushed. He knew this wasn't going to end well. Even though Dalles was found yesterday, in the bottom of the Chesapeake Bay, and sam had died during surgery, Ziva was still worried.

"No way." She shook her head and looked up at Tony, Helpless.

"Ma'am," the doctor stated. Tony and Ziva both glared at him with death glares.

"She doesn't like to be called "ma'am"," Tony said then turned back to Ziva.

"Ma'-Ms. David please get in the wheel chair," the doctor said now getting agitated.

"No." Ziva said gabbing Tonys arm to help her stand up.

"Then how do you expect us to get you to Gibbs' car?" Tony asked.


"She should be down any second in a wheel chair," The check out lady said.

"Wheel chair?" Gibbs repeated. "No way,"

"Hey boss, you ready?" Tony called from the elevator doors.

Gibbs turned to see Ziva, being carried bridal style by no other than Tony DiNozzo.

Ziva smiled. Her "good" arm was wrapped around the front of his neck and her slinged one tightly pressed to her body.

"Yup. Lets go." Gibbs laughed as he turned toward the big double doors.


"Sooo? You have not been here for a while, do u like it?" Tony asked, sitting next to Ziva on his black leather couch infront of his bookshelves.

"Yea, much nicer than the hospital," she joked.

"Next week when your stronger, we can start to bring some of your things here. I already took the liberty of getting all of your clothes,"

"Really? Did you like anything in particular?" She asked.

Tony raised his head eyeing his partner in crime. "Well-"

"Wait, don't answer that," she laughed leaning forward and forcefully putting her lips on his.

Tony smiled under the kiss and ran his arm under her knees and across her back.

"What are you," she laughed before Tony pulled her weight to his.

He pulled her on his lap and kissed her passionately. "Its late, do you wanna ketch a few?"

"Yea, did u get a bigger bed?" She asked slowly.

"Yup! Now i have a king for my Queen." He whispered picking her up and heading to his-there-bedroom.


OMG!!! THIS WAS AN AMAZING STORY TO WRITE!!!!!!! Thank you guys for the 11k views!

yes, i hate to say it, but this story is now finished. 😭 thank you all for reading!!!!


I am looking at a story about either the whole team gets captured or Tony And Ziva getting Captured. Comment with fun plot ideas!!!!



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