Chapter 23

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He decided to wait. Tony didn't feel right just yet. Yes, Anthony DiNozzo did not feel right with kissing a beautiful girl.

"Tony," she whispered looking into his emerald green eyes.

He looked at her questionably.

"How did you find me?" She asked.

"Well, a magic fairy princess riding a unicorn came flying in the squad room from the skylight. She landed on McShes deak. Then she squeaked where you were!" He explained.

She smiled. She wanted to giggle but her chest hurt.

He loved to see her smile. He would do anything to see her smile.

"Really, what happened?" She asked still smiling.

"We traced the video." He said sandwiching her hand between his two hands. He laced his fingers with hers.

"I lied." She said.

"Lied?" Tony asked scared.

"I lied to Sam. I told him that i work with John Paul, and Thom E." She sighed looking at the window. "He probably wants to kill me. So i will not tell you... Everything."

"Its okey. Its okey. I will not let anything happen to you. I promise." He said softly.

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Tony." She said.

"I promise you Ziva. Nothing will happen to you..." He wanted to say something else but he decided not to.

"You can't Tony." She mumbled.

"Watch me," He playfully said. She smiled and lesned her head back on the not-so-soft pillow. "Get some rest Zi, you need it." He whispered. He leaned over to her and softly landed a soft

Kiss on her nose.

She smiled and cracked her eyes open.

"Im not going anywhere Ziva. Get some sleep." He said, her hand still in rapped in his.

She closed her eyes and fell in a well needed sleep.

Tony layed her hand back on the bed and pulled out his phone and speed dialed 2.

When it started to ring, he stood up and slipped out of the door.

"Gibbs." Gibbs answered.

"Hey boss, shes awake." Tony said.

Tony heard Gibbs let out a breath. "Good."

"Any news on Samuel?" Tony whispered.

"No. He went under." Gibbs answered.

"She is worried that he will try to finish the job Gibbs." Tony said softly.

"I figured that. Undercover agents are crawling through that hospital." Gibbs said.

"Shes sleeping now." Tony said.

"Stay there Tony. Protect her Tony." Gibbs ordered before hanging up.

He sighed and peeked in the door.

Ziva was laying peacefully, sleeping in the hard hospital bed.

He quietly slipped in and sat back in his spot next to HIS ninja. HIS ninja almost died again for him. HIS ninja is laying next to him, and with every breath she takes she is in unbearable pain. HIS ninja. HIS ninja.

Here is the next chapter!! I LOVE writing this story guys! Thank you for reading! I cant beleave this is my first story and im getting all of this wonderful feedback on it!!! Love you all

8 comments to update!! Love you all!!




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