Chapter 20

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"McGee! Gibbs!!" Tony panicked as he frlt under Zivas cheek bone for a pulse. "I found her. She has a faint heartbeat."

"Stay there DiNozzo." Ordered Gibbs. " the ambulance is on its way. We will come to you."

"Right Boss." Tony said. He knew that he needed to wake her up. "Ziva," he said placing his hands on her shoulder that has started to bleed again.

With no response he used his right hand and placed it into hers. "Ziva, wake up. Your going to be okey." He said.

He felt her hand twich and her eyes slowly opened. "Tony?" She breathed with barely any sound coming out.

"Ziva. Ziva. Look at me. Please. Just look at me. You are going to be okey." He said tightening his grip on zivas hand.

She looked at him and lightly gripped his hand before she slipped under one again.

"Damn Ziva!" He mumbled letting go of her hand and placed his hand over his other bloody hand to stop the bleeding. He now had time to see what they did to her.

She had bruises and cuts on her face, probably from being beaten and thrown around. Ziva also had a purple bruise on her jaw.

Down her left arm, was a thin, long cut that had dried blood on it. Tony thought that her shoulder was also dislocated.

"Ziva, what happened?" He mumbled as he looked at her right thigh, that also had soft flow of blood coming from it.

He took off is expensive jacket and placed it on her shoulder as one hand covered her thigh and one pushed on the jacket.

Dis bite his effects, she was loosing blood. Fast. "Mcgee! Where are you? I beed your help. Shes loosing to much blood!" He said in the ear wig.

"Coming, where are you?" mcgee asked.

"Umm, have you been in the picture room yet?" Tony asked.

"Yes going down the stairs now." McGee answered.

"Go left. The only door on your left that is opened. HURRY!" Tony instructed. Zivas leg had stopped bleeding by now and tony wiped his bloody hands on his pants.

"Ziva!!" Mcgee yelled rushing over next to Tony and taking Tonys spot and pushing on her shoulder. "Can you wake her up?"

"Tried. Did. She in pain McGee." Tony paused. "She out for now, i will try again." Tony said.

"Okey this building is clear. Ambolance is here. They are coming with the stretcher." Gibbs said walking into the room.

"Ziva. Ziva." Tony said weaving his fingers in her right hand.

She opened her eyes again to see Gibbs and Mcgee kneeling next to her, trying to get the bleeding to stop.

"Help is coming. Stay with me now." Tony said weary.

"Dalles?" She asked. One again almost no sound coming out. It hurt like hell to breath let alone talk.

"Not here. Neither is Samuel." Gibbs said. "Your going to be okey, Ziver."

Ziva hust slipped under when the metics rushed into the room. They strapped her to the gurney and put an oxygen mask on.

"Im going with here." Tony said. Gibbs nodded as they followed the metics out of the room.

Tony rode in the ambulance and Mcgee and Gibbs tailed it.

Heres the next update. I need at least 5 comments before i update again. The more you comment, the more update happen. But i love you all.

Would you guys read another Fanfiction like this by me? Im thinking about doing another. But not untill this story is done. Tell me what you think.




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