Chapter 18

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Tony barged into the warehouse following gibbs. Gibbs did a hand signal to tell tony go straight and McGee go to the left. Gibbs took the right hallway.

Tony slowly made his way down his hallway clearing each and every room untill he found himself in a huge room, like the size of two Olympic sized pools, but with no water, or pools.

He creeped to the far end where another hallway lead. He soon heard gun shots from one of the Agents. Tony cleared each room down that small halway then ended in some stairs.
What he saw scared him. Pictures of the team filled the walls. Him and Ziva were in most of them. They date back months. Even years. It made shivers run down his spine.

Gun in hand he slowly and silently made his way down.

"No one," he noticed as he took a left at the end of the stairs. He stopped. On the right side of the wall was a smear of blood that was heading left also.
All the rooms that he looked at was fulled with guns, knives, and anything and everything that could be use to hurt another.

He hoped that it was not Zivas as he crept down the hallway, after a few doors he found something that he was not hoping for.

"Gibbs." He said into the ear wig.

"What DiNozzo?" Gibbs barked softly.

"We have a bloodbath." He said looking at the seven bodies laying in a row. All of them had one bullet in their heads.

"Who?" Gibbs crocked hoping that Toby wasn't talking about Ziva.

"Seven bodies. In a row. Execution style." Tony said looking at there faces that were looking up. "No Dalles."

Gibbs sighed a relief. "Find her Tony. Dont move from her side." He ordered.

"Got it Boss." Tony said before slipping out from that room.

He looked down the now short way to go down the cement hallway. At the end there was a another halway intersecting it.

He cleared two more rooms untill he came to a room that had blood drops going into it. He almost panicked.

"This is it," he whispered so softly. His hand slowly grasped the cold metal door knob and twisted it untill he heard a tiny click. He slowly opened the door and his heart sped up to the horrifying sight before him.

His eyes traveled the room fast. He saw a heard wooden chair, covered in blood, and a table with a bloody hand print on it, but what really cought his emerald eye was a bloody person laying in the middle of the floor, by the chair.

He dashed to Zivas side and holstered his sig. She was covered in dirt. After only maybe two days in this hell, she looked horrible.

She was laying on her side facing the Camera that tony saw was sitting in a puddle of blood. He carefully moved her to her back so he could help her.

"Ziva." He whispered rubbing her cheek that once was like soft velvet, know was caked in mud and blood.

He looked for a pulse and....

CLIFFHANGER!! Soooo sorry!!! I need some where to start the next chapter. Please comment!

Do guys like this story? In thinking about doing another story like this but i want your feed back. If you would like another story kinda like this please tell me!




I love all of you and thank you for the 1k+ reads!! OMG THANK ALL OF YOU! I couldn't do this with out all of your awesome support and feedback.


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