Chapter 21

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The team had been sitting in the waiting room for hours. Abby, Ducky and the director had arrived at the hospital shortly after Gibbs and McGee had arrived.

Abby, who had already been crying burst into tears when she saw the three men covered in blood. She ran over to McGee and sat in the chair next to him.

Ducky kept calling palmer on his cell phone, but never picked up.

Jenny sat next to Gibbs. Clearly wanting to ask what the hell happened but smartly decided not to.

They sat silently, other than Abbys sniffles and McGees constant reassurance, for hours.

Tony sat there, alone. He was glad that they found her, but he didn't know if it was in time. He looked at his hands that he had tried to wash but was still stained with blood. Ziva. His Ziva was laying on a metal table, and for all he knew she was dead. No one will tell him her condition, no mater how many doctors and nurses he had shown his badge too.

Finally, after hours of silent waiting, a blood stained doctor emerged from the gray double doors.

"Family of... Ziva David?" He asked with a southern draw. He pronunced her last name like David not Da-veed.

"Yes?" Tony shot up with the rest of the team. They slowly walked up to the doctor weary about what he had to say.

"She lost alot of blood." He said. "We gave her 5 liters of blood." He paused. "The surgery had complications. She flat lined 3 times."

Abby burst into tears and McGee rapped his arm around her and patted her on the back.

"She had bruising of her internal organs." He stopped again." Luckily, all the stab wounds missed bone and major arteries. She had a dislocated shoulder and a bruised jaw and 4 broken ribs. Three on the left, one on the right."

"What about the gun shot?" McGee asked.

"It was a through and through." The doctor answered. "She is week. She is also in a lot of pain." He smiled but they knew it was to hide a frown. "We sedated her but..." He trailed off.

"But what?" Tony said. He was scared.

"She may take awhile to wake up. Awhile as in hours or even days." The doctor concluded. "She is in room 186. You may go and..." Tony turned and walked away before the doctor could finish.

Gibbs, who would usually call him out on something like this but this time he let it slide. He followed Tony while the rest of his team followed him.

When Tony arrived at the room he paused. Did he really want to see her?

Abby put one hand on his shoulder as tony turned the doorknob.

They opened the door to a dimly lit room. There was a frail, week little Israeli breathing short but even breaths. There were wires and cords trailing from under the light sheet to various Machines. Beeping ran through the room from 3 different ones. Tony slowly entered the room and sat in the chair that was set next to her bed. The rest of the team piled in around the bed.

"She looks a lot better." McGee said trying to break the extreme silence.

"Yea, but still in pain." Gibbs said.

"Im so glad Ducky gets to chop up the men who did this to her." Abby said.

"Yes. Well, we should get going, we have a whole warehouse to go through, and sam still to find. Tobias and the FBI crew is there waiting for us." Gibbs said. "Tony, you stay here."

"For protection. Samuel might wanna finish the job." Tony said.

When Gibbs, McGee, Abby, and Ducky left the room, jenny whispered in Tonys ear, "We will get this Son of a bi*ch who fid this to Ziva."

"I know." Tony agreed looking back at Ziva.

When jenny left, Tony lifted Zivas left arm and rapped his hands around hers and intertwined his fingers in hers.

"Im sorry Ziva." He whispered looking at his love of his life. "This is all my falt. I should have been their for my..." He paused. "Partner." He finished. He didn't just want Ziva as his partner. He wanted Ziva to be more than that.

He sat there, motionless for an hour. By then it was 1900, and he was hungry. He was not going to leave though. Not to eat. He wanted to be there when she woke up.

"Umm... Sr?" A young nurse came in shyly.

He looked at her.

"Would you like us to bring in a cott?" She asked.

"No thank you." Tony said.

"Okey. But we will need you to step out for a few minutes. We need to..." She started before being cut off.

"Okey." Tony said lightly laying Zivas stitched arm down on the mattress.

He walked out of the room and headed to the cafeteria. Since it was late, thay didnt have that much out so he just grabbed a bag of Lays potato chips and a bottle of water.

He headed back to Zivas room to see her still there, dead sleep.

He sighed as he walked to his original spot on the left side of her bed.

Her jaw had a small piece of gauze over the bruise. And her right arm was in a sling. Her left arm had a few stitches and more bandages. Thats all he could see without moving the sheet.

"Please, please, please wake up Zi. We all are scared for you." He whispered. "I am here. And i will never go anywhere."

Here is the next chapter!! I hope you like it! I love all the feedback i am getting!

Need 7 comments before i update!

I love you all and i thank you all for reading!! I am trying to post as much as possible on the weekends because of school.😥

Love u all!!




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