Chapter 27

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Ziva opened her eyes when she felt warm, soft lips on hers. She immediately closed them again and kissed him back.

"I have to go Zi, only for a few hours." He whispered inching his lips away.

Zivas heart sped up. "What if..." She shook. She was getting better and only had to be in the hospital for another week or so. She would not admit it but she was scared.

"No." Tony said stopping her. "He will not harm you again. The next time you will see him is in the chair." Tony whispered in her ear.

Ziva smiled and shifted her weight. She was still in a lot of pain and could barely move.

"See you in a few okey?" He said slowly walking to the door.

"Okey Tony," she horsely said laying her head on the hard and unpleasant pillow.

She was alone for the first time since she was rescued. Memories started flooding back to her.

The game.

The lie.

The escape.

The gun.

"NO!" She said. She shook her head making her uneven curls bounce up and down. The memories faded away being replaced by new, pleasant ones.


"So what do you think?" Tony asked watching her emerge from the outdoor patio.

"Not bad, I suppose." She said actually bewildered about the hotel.

"Not bad she says as she walks in from the outdoor patio, past the fax machine and the mini-bar, complimentary basket of fruit." He narrated walking around the room." This is the perfect way to spend a weekend."

Ziva walks over and steals a grape from the fruit basket.

"Come on! Big screen TV! Ooh! Two hundred channels. Look at this. HBO, ESPN, The Mystery Channel. Turner Classic Movies." Tony rambles on.

She walks over to him taking him by the hand with the grape still in her mouth.

"I take it you're not interested in the premium channels?" He said tilting his head acting like he knows whats going to happen next.

"There's only one thing I'm interested in right now." She spits out. He pulls her in for a heated kiss. Tony wrapped his arms around her neck as she laid her hands on his muscular chest.

Slowly she moved her arms lower and undid the bow that wrapped around her wast holding half her dress. As it fell to the floor, Tony gently pushed her back toward the king sized bed.


Ziva stared at the wall. She smiled. It was the first time that her and tony had kissed. The first time they had slept together.

She giggled at how annoying she thought tony was back then. How she thought that she was gunna kill him every time he through a paper ball at her or spit a spit ball at her.


Ziva reached over on the nightstand and turned up some music. "Do you think they bought it?" She asked breathing heavy. Tony was laying on top of her.

"I did." He heaved lifting his head so he was inches away from Ziva's.

"That's fairly obvious." Ziva teased.

"For your information that's my knee." Tony said looking into her eyes.

"Whatever. You can get off of me now." She said wanting him off of her. Her hair slowly fell off the side of the bed.

"It's only been ten minutes. I have a reputation to protect." He poked. His hands were supporting her head so he gathered up her hair and held it.

"We're not even sure if we're under surveillance yet, Tony." Ziva sighed.

"You can't be too careful when you're undercover. Let's give it another forty minutes, just to be realistic." He whispered in her ear running his fingers through her hair.

"Realistic, huh?" She asked biting her lip.

"Uh-huh." He said nervously.

"In that case..." she flipped his over so she was now on top. Tony had his arms up holding her hair out of her face.

"I like it on top." She said cocking her head.
"I can live with that." He said slowly.

Ziva smiled and knees him.

Tony groans a high pitch groan. "What was that for?" He painfully said.

"Because that was definitely not your knee." She said leaning down and pecking him on his lips smiling.


She was cut out of her daydreaming when someone knocked on her slightly ajar door. The mystery person slowly pushed the door open.

She froze at the sight of who it was.

I hope you all like this story! I have been getting tons of messages about how popular these books are. I cannot ever thank anyone enough about hiw thankful i am for the 5000+ reads. THANK YOU!!

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Love you all and i will try to update ASAP!!


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