Chapter 13

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Gibbs was horrified. "WHAT?!?" he yelled into the phone.

"Boss, get down here!" Tony panicked looking at the placed envelope.

"Okey we will be right there, don't do anything." Gibbs ordered grabbing his gun and badge. He hung up. "Okey McGee, we are going to Zivas. Tonias you too." He said walking to the elevater.

Tony left the room to see what else he could find. But before long Gibbs had arrived with McGee and Tobias steps behind him.

"What is it DiNozzo?" Barked Gibbs.

"This," he lead them into the bedroom and showed them the drawer. Gibbs leaned down slowly and picked it up with his white glove.

"Here... Bag it. We will open it with Abby." Gibbs said. "Go over this place with a fine tooth comb." He ordered to Tony and McGee.

"Right Boss." McGee said.

Gibbs and tobias left shorty after.

"What?" Tony asked noticing McGee starring at him.

"Just thinking," McGee stated rummaging through Zivas kitchen.

"About what?" Tony asked walking back into the bedroom.

"How your acting. Your acting the same as when Ziva left us after you killed Rifkin." McGee sighed.

"Its because..." Tony started.

"You love her." Tim cut in. He smirked moving on to the living room.

Tony knew that he had feelings for her but when Zivas gone, he understands how short of a time he has to tell her.

He stepped toward her dresser and opened the top drawer. There was shirts. He opened the next drawer with only pants. The next one caught his eye with his dirty little mind not that far behind.

While he was looking and taking pictures with his phone, McGee called him.

"What McGee?!? I was busy!" Complained Tony walking into the room where McGee was.

"Did you see this?" He asked handing Tony a photo.

The photo was of Tony that Abby had took. His mouth was wide open and his eyes are bugging out of his head.

"No." He said.

"Look at the back of the photo." Instructed McGee.

Tony turned the photo over and read the little note that was in Zivas handwriting.

Just a normal day in DiNozzo-Land. Being his adorable self. :)

He smiled at the note. "Yea Probie. Yes all the women in my life think that im adorable. Nothing else." He lied. He was really touched from that note.

"Okey," McGee mumbled taking the photo away and putting it back.

"Im almost done." Tony said walking back to the bedroom. He looked at the neat bed then back the the dresser that he was "investigating."

About 10 minutes later, tony and McGee had looked through every inch of Zivas apartment and found nothing. Well nothing that involves the case.

"Ready Mcsnoop?" Tony asked.

"Said the agent who is looking through his co-workers bedroom?!" He teased gathering his things.

"Well! That was where the most of the crime scene is! I need to be thorough." Snickered Tony following Tim out the door then locking it.

"Let me see your phone!" McGee teased walking down the small hallway.

"No! Why?" Defended Tony.

"What do u have to hide?" McGee asked.

"Nothing I just don't want to give you my phone! Im the senior field agent you know!" He teased. Tony loved to say that he was a higher rank then another.

Tim took a deep breath thinking how Ziva would react.

"We will get her back, right Tony?" He asked softly.

"Yes Tim, shes strong. We will get her back." Tony said patting Tim's shoulder.

Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter! This was kinda a fluff chapter so yea here it is!!

Of you like it please comment!




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