Chapter 25

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Ziva woke up from her peaceful sleep to a snoring Tony. She smiled at her partner that was napping in the very uncomfortable chair net to her. She noticed that her hand was tightly rapped in his hand.

She slowly turned her sore neck toward the window. It was poring outside. She loved to watch the little rain drops run down the glass. Which made her go into deep thought.

Why would Tony stay here with me when i pushed him away? Why did he save me? I failed him, i failed Gibbs, i failed everyone. And they still came to my rescue. Again. Again. I was ready to die the last time. They still came.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft knocking at her slightly ajar wooden door. She looked at the door as her dripping wet boss walked slowly into the room.

"Hey Ziver, how are you feeling?" Gibbs softly asked. He eyed her hand which was inwrapped in Tonys.

"Fine." She whispered. But she was not. Her throat was dry from the IV and the pain medicine.

Gibbs noticed this and stepped out of the room. He quickly returned with a nurse that adjusted a monitor and brought a jug filled with water into the room.

When she left, ziva slowly slid her good arm from Tonys grasp and that jostled him awake.

"Your awake Zi-" he stopped short at a smirking Gibbs. "Hi boss."

Gibbs poured her some water and handed it to her. She glared him at the sympathy but accepted the water. He handed her the glass, which was only half full, but was still heavy in her arm. But she drank it anyway. She set the now empty glass back on her side table and looked at Gibbs.

"Nothing yet, they went under." Gibbs explained knowing what she wanted to ask. "We are short our two best agents."

That made Ziva smile. Tony too." Sorry boss, I'm staying here." Tony said.

"I know." Gibbs said sitting on the opposite side of Zivas bed.

Ziva was confused. Gibbs was not acting normal. No one was really acting normal now.

"Do you have any leads at all?" Ziva gulped tightening her grip on Tonys hand, which for the record was not that tight.

"No Ziver, But Elf Lord and I are working hard. don't u worry." He whispered as he leaned down and kissed his agents forehead.

tony and Ziva smiled at McGees nickname.

"I have to go, i will be back tomorrow Ziva," Gibbs said smirking on his way out.

It was so obvious that they had feelings fir each-other, but will he get them to admit it?

THANK YOU ALL FOR THE 2000+ VIEWS!!! OMG THANK YOU!!! anyway im writing a new book called The New Agent. PLEASE READ!!

Anyway... DID ANYONE SEE THE NCIS SEASON PREMIERE??!?!! It was awesome. I also loved the NCIS LA premiere too.

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