Chapter 22

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Tony sat next to Ziva all night. Only leaving once to use the head. A doctor came in and told him that she should be wakeing up soon.

He was glad. He wanted to see her. Awake and smiling.

He was looking out the window that over looked the parking lot. His hand was still intwined in hers.

He was daydreaming when a light squeeze of his hand shook him out.

He jumped but looked down at her.

"Ziva," he whispered trying to wake her up.

Her eyes fluttered open and then tightly shut them again. He head pounded from the constant beeping. She opened them again to a smiling Tony.

He sighed looking at his ninja. "Your awake,"

She took a breath to speak but her ribs shocked her with pain.

"Where is," she whispered softly. She took another slow breath. "Sam?"

"Gone. We found 7 bodies. None of them were Sam or Dalles. We think that Sam will cone to the hospital and finish.." Tony trailed off not wanting to say the next part. "The job."

"Its not your fault tony." She breathed.

"Im your...partner...and i should have been there for you." He confessed.

She tightened her grip on Tonys hand, which wasn't that tight according to her normal strength.

"Partner," she repeated. She didn't want to be his partner. She wanted to be more.

"Hello, great to see your awake Ms. David. I am Dr. Ward. Are you in any pain?" The doctor asked adjusting a knob on the heart monitor.

"Im fine," she said strongly.

"Shes in pain." Tony cut in.

Ziva glared at him.

"Okey. I am going to give you these pain killers. They will not make you sleepy." The doctor explained ingecting a needle into Zivas IV.

"I know you to well Zi," Tony said smiling.

The doctor left and ziva starred at Tony.

"Tony," she whispered.

"What?" He asked softly slowly moving her hair from her face. She leaned into his touch.

"I missed you," she whispered. "I was scared i was never going to see you again..." Her voice started to sound more normal.

"You will never loose me, i will be here the whole time." He said.

"Tony, thank you." Ziva whispered.

"For what?" He asked softly. His hand cupped her left cheek. She leaned into his hand.

"Saving my life...again," she said. A tear rolled down her cheek. "I owe you my life."

"No you don't." He whispered. "You don't owe me anything,"

She nodded in argument."Somalia. Now. I owe it all to you Tony."

He looked into her fiery eyes. His mind was pulling from kiss her and not.


Need 8 comments from different people before i update. Sorry!

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LOVE you all!!




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