ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟟: Just Like Shinso

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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟟: Just Like Shinso

"ew, deku-kun, that's so not like you!"

midoriya widens his eyes and quickly places his phone on his chest, snapping his head towards the brown haired girl next to him. uraraka plops down next to him and smiles.

"hey! you can't just sneak up on me and read the messages i'm sending! that's private, uraraka!"

the girl laughs a little. "yeah, so what? aren't we friends?"

"yes, we're friends, but that doesn't mean you can read them. that's not nice, ochako."

the girl sighs, "sorry," she mumbles, then crossing her arms and looking at her friend next to her. she looks the green haired male up and down, biting her lip at the sight of him.

she can't help it but feel a little bit jealous. she knows that her, tsu and iida were the ones to bully deku and shoto into downloading the new dating app, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't feel jealous.

uraraka has been crushing on her friend since she basically met him, but she's too scared to tell him. and yet she still bullied deku into downloading that new stupid app, making it even harder for her to confess her feelings. because why would she even do that now? he might have met a pretty girl already, so there is no way that he will like her back.

she sees how he's acting while texting that girl, and that is something different from what it is when deku's talking to uraraka. she can see it has a different vibe, and that only means that deku doesn't see uraraka in the way he sees his f*ck dating matches.

maybe uraraka should download the app too? who knows what gem she might find on that app. if it works for deku, it might work for her too.

"midoriya, uraraka!" iida screams from the other side of the common area. both students raise their heads when they hear their friend his voice, and izuku immediately smiles.

"iida!" the green haired boy says, putting his phone next to him on the couch and turning to him. "what's going on? you seem rushed."

"more like flustered," uraraka says, chuckling slightly. "what's up?"

the male stands up straight and puts his glasses up, then showing his phone to midoriya and uraraka.

"how do i answer to such a text like this?"

uraraka her eyes widen, "you downloaded the app too, iida?" she exclaims, her mouth falling open as she reads the messages on iida his screen.

midoriya on the other hand, high fives his friend. "she's totally into you, iida-san! you didn't even try and she already thinks you're adorable!"

izuku laughs and crosses his arms, "the girl i'm talking to wants me to prove it to her that i'm the best out of all the guys she's talking to. she isn't looking for love, but who knows."

"that seems like something quite sad, deku," uraraka starts, looking at her friend. "are you sure you want to compete to others to win over her heart? don't you want someone that wants you without proving yourself?"

midoriya frowns, then turning towards uraraka. "it's not that serious... i mean, i don't even know her yet. i want to get to know her some more first. it's all for fun, i'll see what happens you know?"

the male laughs, "if she's a complete asshole and an annoying brat, i won't talk to her again. but as for now, i admire her. she's a bit like shinso, also working her way up to the hero course. hard working people, those i admire. i can't wait to see more of her."

uraraka nods a little at his words. "alright, as long as you're happy," she says with a smile. but how much does she mean of that? uraraka just wishes deku was hers, if she was being honest.

iida sighs a little, "she's making fun of me, isn't she?" the male says, then showing his conversation with the girl he apparently has an interest in.

izuku shakes his head, "no! she's not making fun of you, iida! she admires your honesty and bluntness. it's quite the opposite, she really seems to like you! that's something good."

iida nods at midoriya his words and smiles, then typing something back. "that makes me feel a lot better, actually."

a few seconds later, todoroki stumbles into the common area. he takes place on the couch and sighs.

the three other students frown, "what's going on?" uraraka asks, then walking towards shoto on the couch. she takes place next to him and watches for his answer.

"how's your dating experience going?"

"i had matches with some people, but none seem to like my way of texting. i also matched with yaoyorozu, but accidentally unmatched with her so i think she thinks i don't want to be friends with her anymore."

uraraka and midoriya start to laugh a little, to wich todoroki feels even more sad. "it's not funny, guys."

deku shakes his head. "no! but i doubt yaoyorozu will think that, todoroki-kun. you can always tell her that it was an accident."

shoto sighs, "yeah, maybe. i'm not made for things like this. why did you guys wanted me to download it anyway?"

"because it's funny," tsu says as she walks in as well, with hagakure next to her. "you and midoriya are hopeless when it comes to love, so we thought it would be fun to see you two on a dating app. so far, midoriya is doing a better job than you, todoroki."

the half-and-half male sighs, leaning further away in the couch. "i'm going to give up."

"hey, a hero never gives up! if you can save the world, you can also find someone you like on this app, todoroki!"

and with those words, midoriya and todoroki go back to swiping people they like. everyone is right, if they can save the world from villains, how hard could finding a girlfriend be?

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