ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟚𝟞: Nighteye's Agency

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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟚𝟞: Nighteye's Agency

the green haired boy turns around.

"y/n? your uncle is sir nighteye?"

"so you two know each other already? that's just perfect," y/n's uncle says, moving his head down a little to look at both teens from above his glasses.

"yeah," midoriya nods, looking from y/n towards sir nighteye. "you know, i kinda see the resemblance."

"we look nothing alike," y/n protests, shaking her head.

"your eyes turn purple as well when you're using your quirk!"

y/n wants to protest further, but nighteye interrupts her before she even speaks, "that doesn't matter, y/n. let's start the day."

"i didn't know you had a niece, nighteye sir!" mirio chimes in, putting his hands on his side, "but i do see it now! midoriya is right, both your eyes turn purple when you use your quirks!"

"and they're similar as well!" midoriya says, pointing at y/n and nighteye. "his quirk is foresight and he can foreshadow moves as well, hell he can see people's future in detail when he uses his quirk! really cool, if you ask me. and y/n can also foreshadow people's moves, but different as you have to look at them constantly, also seeing their strengths and weaknesses and whatever she sees on someone! it all makes so much sense now!"

mirio and midoriya start talking about nighteye and y/n, not having any clue that nighteye is getting frustrated and that y/n feels extremely awkward, having people scan her now.

"i didn't even know you existed a month ago or something," y/n mumbles.

"my sister can be a little bit... special sometimes," nighteye mumbles, shaking his head. "she's never been a fan of me."

he puts his glasses back up his nose, "but i'm surprised she called me asking if her daughter could do her hero work studies here. but i think i get it. we do have a bit of similar quirk."

"i didn't even know i got it from mum's side as she's quirkless," y/n mumbles, shrugging. "i could get the analyses part, that's from my dad. he can analyse people and objects when he looks at it, knowing everything about the person or object, what it's made of and such. mine only works on people, but i know where i got it from. but then my analyses quirk, i never knew where it was from. i always thought it was just randomly generated, but never knew it was mum's side... but the purple eyes are annoying so i use goggles," y/n rambles, having no idea what she's actually saying anymore.

"oh yeah, your mum told me about your goggles," nighteye says, looking at y/n's hero costume. "i'm curious to see what you can do."

he then frowns, "wait, y/n, your mum isn't quirkless. she can foreshadow things as well but just not as good as i can, and a bit different. it has always been an issue between us two."

"oh," y/n mumbles, frowning. why did her mum never tell her? isn't that something you're supposed to tell your child so you can help them?

"sorry, that wasn't me that should have told you. i'm sorry, kid. i guess that's also why you never knew you had an uncle. me and your mum never really got along."

"but you're pretty cool, sasaki-san."

"mhm, don't tell your mum that. and just call me nighteye when we're on duty."

"copy that."

y/n and nighteye just stare into the distance. they're both thinking about their previous conversation.

the girl just doesn't understand why her mum would keep these kind of things from her. it's pretty important to know that your mum has a quirk, right? she's always believed that her mum was quirkless. she even thinks that her mum told her dad that she doesn't have one. but what does she even know? apparently nothing about her parents.

and then nighteye, he's thinking about all the things he said. he can't help it but have said all those things to the girl. he knew he needed to say them, otherwise things wouldn't work out the way they should work out.

he just hopes that y/n will be alright.

"are you guys ready with your analyses now?"

nighteye steps towards the door, opening it. "you guys can go on patrol. mirio, will you show y/n and midoriya how it's done? you've been here before, you know what to do."

mirio nods, walking out of the door. "alright kids, follow me!"

and off they go, leaving sir nighteye alone.

alone with his thoughts, and all his worries about the niece that he recently discovered he had.

all because of some stupid foresight.

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