ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟙𝟟: The High Ground

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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟙𝟟: The High Ground

"you know what day it is today?"

"yes, but i know you want to say it so badly, yo, so you can say it one last time before i actually blast your head off."

shindo frowns at his friend, y/n just laughing at his face. it's so entertaining to make fun of her friends, and especially shindo. she loves him dearly, really, but he's also annoying.

"provisional hero license day!"

"we knew that," y/n answers, leaning her head against tatami's shoulder. she looks at her hands, smiling a bit. today really is the day.

"we will all pass, right?" the girl asks, looking at her friends. "i don't want any of us not passing. so tami, teki, yo and shikkui, we're passing this thing!"

tatami chuckles and that makes y/n sit up straight again, high fiving her best friend. also toteki, makabe and shindo start to high five each other.

"you got it, y/n! we're going to do our best and get our license! i can't wait to beat those U.A students. it's always fun seeing them at the sports festival and knowing their quirks."

then it hits y/n.

"oh so that's why you always watch the U.A sports festival... you think you have the high ground because you know their quirks?"

"we do have the high ground!" shindo screams, slamming his fists together with a smirk. "we know their strengths and weaknesses and we'll crush them all."

"it takes me three seconds to know all of this so i guess i should be fine," the analyses girl smirks, crossing her arms. "i don't need the U.A sports festival to know their quirks."

"woah, stop flexin' on me bae," shindo mumbles, rolling his eyes but laughing. "of course you don't. your quirk is freaking awesome."

"we all know what we do," makabe says, crossing his arms and smirking slightly. "i think we'll do fine. we just have to team up and make sure we all pass. do you guys agree?"

everyone nods and cheers. this should be alright, at least y/n isn't on this alone.

'cause fuck, there is nothing she can do in a large range attack than dodge everything and make sure she doesn't get hurt. hopefully that works out fine...

- - -

the bus finally arrives at the takoba national stadium. every student of the hero class gets out of the bus.

y/n looks around and a smile creeps upon her lips. her journey to becoming a hero is finally happening. her dream of becoming a true hero will be reality when she passes this exam.

but it's also very nerve wracking. will she pass the exam? will shindo, tatami, toteki and makabe pass? she surely hopes they will, because if they won't it would make her question everything around her.

y/n takes a deep breath. she tries to get her breath even. she has to calm down now or it's not going to be fine once the exam really starts.

she's about to talk to tatami, when something else gets her attention.

"hey, shota!"

mrs. joke, the first years ketsubutsu hero class' homeroom teacher, shouts out someone's name. y/n looks up and sees a man with long, black hair. he doesn't look too pleased with mrs. joke her presence, but that doesn't hold her homeroom teacher back. she will do everything to talk to the man.

the female chuckles to herself when she continues to look at the man's face expression. he doesn't look pleased at all.

but because of that, y/n is not paying attention to shindo who's talking to some U.A. students. he tries talking to bakugo— someone y/n might've talked to. but does she notice? no, because she's too busy looking at her teacher that's making fun of a grown-up man.

and y/n doesn't notice her friend denki kaminari either, or the green, curly haired lad that she has been talking to and wants to meet so bad.

and why? all because she's too caught up in her teacher meeting up with an old friend.

"alright class, go change into your hero costume!" mrs joke says after a short moment.

y/n snaps out of her thoughts and quickly walks after her classmates, not giving the U.A. a glance. a small sigh escapes her lips.

the nerves are kicking in again. y/n doesn't know if she will pass. sure, she said she would, but that's just to encourage her friends. they have a high chance of getting in. her group of friends has been training to become a hero since the begin, but she recently started. it's going to be hard to get her license, but the girl would do anything to pass.

wait a minute, that's not how she's supposed to think!

y/n throws her chin a bit more up in the air. she needs to be confident. she has to think that she's going to pass it. y/n needs to work together with her friends to get that license! teamwork makes dreamwork.

a small smirk creeps upon y/n's lips. she turns to her friends before she walks into the girls' changing room.

"let's get that freaking license, guys!"

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