ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟛𝟟: Class A vs Class B

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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟛𝟟: Class A vs Class B

"fuck, that was one of my matches on that stupid dating app."

y/n her eyes widen as she's standing next to denki while class b walks onto ground gamma.

all clas 1-a students were previously talking about the modifications they did about their costumes, as it's now starting to become winter. but now that class 1-b is walking to them as well, they're starting to be the talk instead of the costumes.

"hey, that stupid dating app was what made us best friends!" denki says with a loud gasp, being fake hurt. y/n rolls her eyes as she softly pushes him. "who is it though?" he asks after that.

y/n points at a blonde male, and denki widens his eyes. "monoma, that jerk? yuk."

the girl nods. "i know, i'm not proud of it. our conversation was weird too."

"what was it about?"

"i don't even know anymore. he did talk about class 1-a and that his class was better. and i said something about a red flag, because he said he got punched in the face or something. no idea, it was weird, i'd like to forget it."

denki chuckles, "fair enough."

monoma turns his head to the two as he hears denki laugh, and a fun idea pops in y/n her head as she sees that.

"hey, phantom thief! it's good to see you again!"

"who the f– oh my god, it's you!"

monoma looks away, "you have no right to call me by my hero name!" he says, then crossing his arms.

he slowly moves his head to y/n, and sighs, "how come you're in class 1-a now, weirdo? i thought you were some general studies kid," he says, to which y/n nods.

"i was, but turns out i'm such a good hero that i'm now in the hero course. and because i have such a sad life and live with my uncle now, i am attending u.a. so fun and quirky, me transferring from general studies!"

monoma frowns. he wants to answer, but someone cuts him off.

"speaking of general studies, we have someone that is going to train with you guys. his name is hitoshi shinso, and he's from general studies. some of you might know him from the sports festival."

a purple haired guy walks from behind aizawa, catching y/n's eyes.

holy shit, he's cute.

she frowns. did she just really think that about a guy she just met?

man she wishes he was the one she met on that app! not someone like monoma, he's weird. but him? gosh, she wishes.

maybe she can download the app again? would he be on there? i mean

only kidding of course.

"shinso wants to transfer to the hero course, and we want to see what he can do. so, he's going to be in one of your teams. we don't know what those teams are yet, but we'll see. he's participating in a class 1-a and a class 1-b team, so shinso will go two times."

vlad contiues, "we'll be playing in teams of four. shinso will be in the team of class-b that will go against the team of 1-a that has five students. we will draw lots to decide the teams."

"but wouldn't it be unfair that shinso is against a team with four when he's in the class 1-a team?" someone from class b asks, to which vlad shakes his head.

"he lacks experience, so you could also see it as a handicap."

"so why is it fair that he is in the team that has to go against class 1-a their team of five? class b would have a disadvantage, but class a doesn't," hiryu points out to the teachers.

aizawa sighs, why are the kids so smart these days? just freaking do the training.


"isn't l/n also a disadvantage for class a? i mean, she lacks experience as well. she only recently started in the hero training as well, so she might not be as good as she thinks she is either," monoma says, shrugging. "so maybe she can participate in class b's match as well when shinso is in the class a team."

vlad his face lits up, "you're right, monoma! l/n recently joined as well, so she isn't as experienced either."

y/n glares at monoma. who the hell does he think he is?

the girl having a lack of experience? what the hell. sure, she wasn't in the hero course for long, but she knows well enough how to be a hero.

and aizawa knows that too.

but he doesn't care, because he knows what y/n will do.

"fine," aizawa says, looking at y/n, "do you agree to be in the class b team that goes against class a with shinso?"

y/n nods, "sure. after all, i do lack experience."

everyone in class a knows she doesn't even lack that much experience.

but if class b thinks that she does, why don't they make advantage of it?

the girl will show class b what she's capable of.

and that she sure knows loads more than shinso, even though she doesn't even know how good he is.

and with that, the teams were made.

y/n had to join class b in the first battle, because shinso drew a lot that he needed to be in the first match of class a's team. this meant that y/n would have her first match against denki.

against her best friend.

but what was fun, was that she was in the last team of her class, meaning she would go against monoma.

she could show him how lack of experience she has to him.

that being none.

honestly, she couldn't wait.

the only thing was, was that she's in a team with midoriya and uraraka.

so that might be a slight problem...

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