ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟛𝟘: Tears and Trust

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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟛𝟘: Tears and Trust

"why are you so persistent to spend time with me?"

y/n and denki are sitting on y/n's bed, both looking at the hawks poster that's on the opposite wall in her room, the number two pro hero looking at them.

"because i want to know what's going on," denki says softly, moving his head towards y/n. "we're friends, right? i feel like you need to get some things off your chest and i also think you don't want to. but i'm here for you, and i always will."

denki closes his eyes, showing a bright smile. "and i know that i always act like i have a crush on you, which i do but i'll shove that aside because you don't feel the same, but i'm still here! i consider you as one of my best friends and honestly all i want is to spend time with you and be there for you when you need it."

y/n listens to everything that denki is saying, her eyes wandering from the poster to the floor.

she feels like none of her friends has every said something like that. not shindo, not makabe, not toteki, not even takemi. none of them have ever said something like that to her. and they were supposed to be her bestest friends.

the girl looks up and moves her head towards denki, "do you mean that?"

"of course i do. you're amazing, y/n."

her eyes glow purple.

analysing name...
denki kaminari

analysing gender...

analysing quirk...

analysing strenghts...
defending, wide range attacks, playing guitar, tactical intellect, drawing portraits

analysing weaknesses...
studying, close combat, overusing his quirk and getting fried brains,

analysing movements...
will listen to you and hug you later
show movements? yes / no

detecting words...
kaminari is speaking the truth

analyses complete.

denki is confused at first, not knowing what the girl does. why is she analysing him? but then the words of midoriya get back in his head.

"she's broken, kaminari. i don't think she has any trust in people whatsoever. she used her quirk on me and saw something. she needs to trust people again... it saddens me, really."

so whatever she needs to do, he's fine with it.

a small smile forms on y/n her lips. she wipes the tears that were streaming down her face and nods. "you're my friend too, denki."

the male smiles, "now tell me... what happened, y/n? what is going on?"

for the first time in weeks, y/n feels like she can say something. for the first time in weeks she feels some sort of trust.

she's not fully there, but she's closer than she was before.

"do you want to hear the whole story?"

denki nods, "whatever helps making you feel better."

the girl nods, "okay..."

and so she starts.

she tells denki about her previous life, how she did her very best as becoming a hero. how her mother was never fond of her becoming a hero, because her mother was quirkless. she tells denki about her younger life, how she lived with her parents. and then she tells him about what happened weeks ago, how the girl found out that her mother was this villain that was the mastermind behind the mission to rescue eri, how her mum was suddenly interested in her hero life, how her mother was the one wanting to erase quirks, how her mum was the one that killed her father... and how she discovered that she has an uncle, him being a pro hero.

and denki? he listens to it all.

when y/n is finally done with her story about what happened, denki wraps his arms around the girl and hugs her. he hugs her for as long as she needs, rubbing her back softly and slowly while the girl has tears streaming down her face.

"that sounds like something that must have a big impact on you, y/n. you know, when i first didn't hear much from you anymore i thought you were mad at me and got anxious. i got a little mad, not going to lie. but then i realised that there was probably nothing going on between you, but that you were busy with your hero work studies, which is logic. i didn't think much... but it all makes sense now."

denki sighs and continues rubbing her back, leaning his head against hers. "you were going through so much... i'm sorry for ever doubting our friendship. you're amazing, you know that right?"

the girl leans away from denki and wipes her eyes, shrugging. she doesn't think she's that amazing.

"there's a reason why i have such a fat crush on you," denki says, chuckling slightly. this makes the girl chuckle a little as well.

"you inspire me. i like your bubbly attitude when we're together, i like how you don't give a shit about most things, i like your sarcastic comments, i like how pretty you are, i like your jokes. but what i like most about you... is how caring you are to your friends. whenever we are hanging out, you're always making sure we're both having a good time. you're amazing, y/n. and not only as a person, you're also amazing at what you do. you'll be an amazing hero in the future, i just know it."

y/n thought the tears were done streaming down her face, but she was wrong.

they continue to fall down, but she doesn't care anymore. all she does is look at denki while she allows the tears to fall down on her lap.

denki takes her hand in his and smiles. "i don't even care that you don't feel the same towards me. all i want is to be your friend, which we are! so not being able to be with you romantically is okay. i just want to be your friend."

he lays his head against her shoulder, moving his thumb over the back of her hand. "i don't even know what i'm saying anymore. i'm just happy you're telling your story to me... thanks for trusting me, y/n."

the girl nods, "of course. you're my best friend, denki."

the male nods, "will you promise me to try and tell everything to me when you're feeling down? i can be a good listener, i don't even have to say anything back if you don't want me to."

y/n nods, holding out her pinky, "okay. i promise."

denki looks up, "seriously?"

she nods again, "yes. i should stop bottling all my feelings up. i should try and trust people... and you're a good start. you've been such a good friend to me all this time, denki... i think it's a good step to have someone that i can talk to, whatever it might be. i want that person to be you and i feel like i could tell you things... without having to use my quirk all the time."

the blonde male smiles, linking his pinky with the girl. "okay. i promise to do the same thing, y/n. i'll tell you everything when something's on my mind."

the girl smiles weakly. "okay, best friend."

it's silent for a while. both don't say much. they're only sitting on y/n's bed, pinkies still together while they look at each other.

denki then smirks.

he takes his hand back and leans against the wall, crossing his arms.

y/n frowns, not understanding why he's smirking like that.

"so, y/n," he starts, eyes staring deep into hers, still that smirk around his lips.

"tell me everything about midoriya, then. i know you feel something for him."

oh boy.

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