ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟛𝟛: Secrets

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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟛𝟛: Secrets

even though y/n thought she didn't want to tell her uncle, she's still going to do it.

she decided for herself that she has to start trusting her uncle, and maybe form some sort of bond with him. he's her guardian now, and even though she doesn't know him for long, she does want to thank him in some way.

she's grateful for all he's done for her since her dad died and her mum got into jail. he took her in, created new opportunities for her and let her heal in the way she wanted to. he gave her space when she needed that, and never pushed her ever.

y/n is so grateful for everything her uncle has done, and today is the day she will entrust him with something.

the girl opens the front door of nighteye's place, and walks inside. "mirai-san, i'm home!"

sasaki gets out of his kitchen when he hears his niece's voice. he's holding a glass and a tea towel, just being done with the dishes.

"hi y/n, what brings you here?"

"i wanted to visit you," the girl says, sitting on one of the bar stools at the kitchen island. "and talk to you about something."

this makes sasaki's eyes widen.

talk about something? what, then? it must be something important as his niece wants to talk about it with him, in such a setting like being at home, and not somewhere with more people.

sasaki places the glass in the cupboard and throws the tea towel on the kitchen counter. "of course, y/n. you can talk about anything."

y/n nods, and thanks sasaki as he gives her some water. "what is it you want to talk about?"

"it's my quirk."

sasaki frowns and sits down next to the girl, placing one hand on his lap and the other one on the bar. "what do you mean?"

y/n looks away, sighing. "it's different. it's still the same but it's also different."

she looks up, seeing her uncle look confused.

the girl knows she's not saying much, but she doesn't know... how to say it. how does someone just tell that they can see the truth now? that they're some sort of weird lie detector?

what if her uncle thinks she's weird?

"whatever it is, you can tell me. quirks sometimes develop and you get new powers! that happens to more people," sasaki says, nodding to let the girl know it's all okay.

this makes y/n her eyes widen, "that is normal?" she mumbles, looking her uncle in the eyes. "so it's not weird something added to my quirk?"

"not at all."

sasaki stands up, walking to the cupbord and getting a cup out. he places it under the coffee machine and waits for his coffee to be done.

"what is it that's different, y/n?"

the girl turns around in her chair so she's facing her uncle. "i can see if someone's lying now, or if they're speaking the truth. i don't know why that is added, but it did helpt me a bit to get over things and accept what happened to me."

"maybe that's why," her uncle answers, taking his coffee and walking back to the bar. "so how does it work?"

"just like my analyses. normally i can see all different lines around someone, where they're from, what their gender is, their strengths and weaknesses, their movements, what their quirk is, and more of those kind of things. but now there's another line saying if they are speaking the truth or not."

"that is... interesting," sasaki answers as he takes in the words his niece just said. "but i guess it makes sense."

y/n frowns, "what do you mean?"

"you can see movements people are taking next, right? it's not a whole foresight like me, but you can see what people do for the next few minutes," he says, to which y/n nods. sasaki smiles, "and sometimes people talk, right? they say things like, 'i will attack you if you move', or 'the hostages are in this building'. now you may easily see if they are speaking the truth or not. i think it works well with your quirk and i think it makes sense."

"that does make sense..." y/n mumbles, nodding. "yeah! i mean, if i'm doing hero work and we have to save people, villains can easily lie! and now i know if they are, or not! i wasn't even thinking about it like that... but it makes sense! thank you mirai-san!"

the male smiles softly, "of course. you can talk about anything with me. i'm your family now, and we're in this together. i'm glad you trusted me with this."

the girl smiles back, "thank you. you're a great uncle."

then she does something she never thought she would do anytime soon, but y/n wraps her arms around her uncle for a hug.

the male is taken aback, but wraps his arms around the girl as well, hugging her back. a smile forms around his lips, and his heart warming up at the kind gesture.

as they pull apart, sasaki speaks up, "now show me how it works! i'll tell you a lie and you can tell me what you see."

y/n chuckles, "okay."

"my favourite tv show is friends."

and she activates her quirk.

analysing name...
mirai sasaki

analysing gender...

analysing quirk...

analysing strenghts...
intelligence, fast, combat, strategizing, teaching

analysing weaknesses...
large range combat, family, getting close to people, stubbornness

analysing movements...
will laugh with you and drink his coffee, spilling some on his shirt
show movements? yes / no

detecting words...
sasaki is lying
want to know the real answer? yes / no
sasaki's favourite show is actually winx club (the original series)

analyses complete.

"oh! you're a big ass liar. you like winx club!"

sasaki his eyes widen, "wait, how did you know that?" he says, looking at the girl and sipping from his coffee.

"i guess i can even see through your lies, because my quirk will show me the real answer," she says.

sasaki chuckles, now realising he can never lie to her when she's using his quirk, and thinking she has an amazing quirk where she can definitely be a good hero with.

the chuckles become more like laughter, and before sasaki knows it, he spills coffee all over his suit. "frick."

y/n crosses her arms, handing him a towel. "yeah, i also saw that coming."

sasaki shakes his head, "of course you did."

and the both continue to laugh throughout the whole night long, it leading to y/n only being brought back home at 11pm by sasaki, both thinking maybe their life's will change for the better.

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