ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟜𝟙: No More Lies

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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟜𝟙: No More Lies

after their dinner, most of them went upstairs.

and let that be the time that one certain person decide to talk to another person.

midoriya opens the door to his room after a loud knock, and widens his eyes a little when he sees denki standing there.

"hey, um–"

"what the fuck is your problem, midoriya?" denki asks as he walks into izuku's room, then turning towards him.

the broccoli guy closes the door with a frown, "excuse me?"

denki laughs, shaking his head, "you know you did something that hurt y/n, you fucking know. so why are you pretending like nothing is going on between you two? the two of you were such great friends, but now you're not even talking! it hurts y/n and you know it, because i know that you can see it too. what the hell, man? why aren't you talking to her?"

izuku looks at his feet, not wanting to look denki in the eyes.

because honestly?

he doesn't even know why he's avoiding y/n in a way. he's not speaking to her, but why? even the guy himself doesn't know.

but he can see that it hurts y/n. denki is right, why is he even waiting?

"i don't know, denki-kun..." izuku starts, sighing.

he walks to his bed and sits down, leaning his head in his hands, "i might just be scared."

"for what exactly?"

"that she doesn't like me back, perhaps?"

denki laughs, "she sure as hell doesn't like you now!"

izuku looks up, "i know. i fucked up, didn't i?"

"it doesn't need a detective to know that."

it's silent for a while.

denki is looking at izuku. the green haired boy is chewing his nails, which sounds horrible. the blonde male rolls his eyes at izuku and takes a seat next to the other boy.

"listen... i know you must have your reasons, but what you pulled at the dance festival wasn't okay. and i'm not only talking about what happened during the last dance, but also before that."

izuku nods, sighing. he leans back against the wall and closes his eyes, recalling the day he asked uraraka to the dance.

"i know. i should've asked y/n to the dance, and not uraraka. truth is, when i asked uraraka, we were actually practicing. i sounds like a total dick now and i understand. first i show y/n that i like her, then she comes to talk to me and i ask uraraka to the dance. but it wasn't real... i only went to the dance with her because hours later, you and y/n were going together. uraraka then asked me if we should go together, and... you know the rest."

denki frowns, "you practiced?"

the boy nods, "yeah. i wanted to ask y/n but i was afraid of doing so. uraraka then said that practicing might help, so she said to pretend that i was asking y/n instead of her. that kinda backfired, and i started to act like a total dick."

"you truly did."

"can you maybe not be so rude all the time?"

denki moves his hands in the air as a defence, "hey! i'm just stating the facts that you already know."

izuku nods, "you're right."

and it's silent again.

"why don't you talk to y/n? she's been waiting for you to talk to her, but you haven't done it. she's getting sadder by the day... i just want her to be happy, you know?" denki says, looking at izuku. "she deserves to be. she's my best friend and i can see she's not doing okay. many things are happening in her life right now, and not being on good terms with you isn't helping. so please, just talk to y/n? at least something can be a bit better in her life that way."

those words hit izuku.

he knows that it wasn't going well with y/n, and that things happened with her. she was freaking out at the training with class 1-b as well, and her quirk went crazy. the boy has no idea what it is, but his quirk caused that... meaning that it must be something serious.

and denki is right. he has been a dick towards the girl. he needs to make it right before they might never talk again.

so, that's why, minutes later, midoriya is standing in front of y/n her door.

a loud knock is heard, so y/n opens the door after pausing her nintendo switch game.

and there she sees midoriya.

"listen, y/n! before you punch me in the face and kick me, just hear me out!" izuku says quickly, not even waiting for a response from the girl. "no more lies from now on, i promise! i know i've been a dick towards you, and i'm so sorry for that. i had no right to act like i did at the dance. that wasn't okay from my side, but truth is, i was desperate. i felt like shit and that's why i acted the way i did. doesn't make it okay of course, and i know that! and the reason that i went to the dance with uraraka, was because i was practicing! the time you wanted to talk to me and heard us, was my practice round... why? because i wanted to ask you to the dance! uraraka told me to practice it because i was nervous to ask you out. that's what you saw. when i heard you and denki were going together, uraraka asked me to the dance because otherwise we'd be alone. we were there as friends, like you and denki were."

he takes a deep breath, rambling on and on and not even letting the girl come in between.

"i'm so sorry for all of this! i should've acted differently. i was a dick and i know it. i'm sorry for all of it. truth is, i acted like a dick because i was nervous. it may not seem like it, but i like you a whole lot, y/n... you're on my mind all the time. you're funny, cute, pretty, sweet, helpful... you're all the good things in one. and i hope, even after me being a dick, that you still want to give me a chance. i don't deserve it, but that doesn't mean that i can't hope for it. just let me know."

he's breathing heavily while the words leave his lips. but all y/n can do is stare at him and not say a thing.

izuku is scared that y/n hates him even more now. but he doesn't blame her, because she has a good reason. he was being rude to her and acted like a dick, not even considering her feelings. he only thought about his own.

and when he's about to turn back and leave y/n to her thoughts, she says something.

"you know, you were right."

"what?" izuku frowns.

"you are the one i want in the end."

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