ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟚𝟘: Pretty Girl

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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟚𝟘: Pretty Girl

"it's nice to see you in person, izuku-kun."

midoriya turns around in shock when he hears his name. his eyes widen when he sees a h/c haired girl, with those beautiful e/c eyes that he loves staring into when he's looking at the picture on his phone. she's wearing a purple with black suit, black gloves, black boots, a black pair of goggles that cover her eyes hanging around her neck, and she's holding the orange balls in her hand.


midoriya can't believe it– is it really y/n who's in front of him now? are his eyes playing a trick on him, or is it really her that he's going against? or is it someone's quirk that allows them to create an illusion of someone you want to see?

because midoriya has been thinking about it, wanting to see y/n at this provisional hero licensing exam. he thought to himself that it might be possible. she's doing the exam, i'm doing the exam, how fun would it be if they were both taking the exam at the same place? it could go both ways of course, as they're going against each other, but they could also team up and get the license together!

at least, that's what midoriya had in mind. he still doesn't know if she's real or not, and if she even wants to team up with him.

"that's right, it's me!" y/n says cheerfully, throwing her hands into the air. a small smirk is seen on her face. "i'm so glad i can go against you, you know? have me eliminate you would be the perfect thing to do now, isn't it? maybe you'll be on top of my list, then, since you are the reason i can get to the next round."

oh god, does that sound weird? am i being a bitch now? i feel so nervous that i don't even know what i'm saying, actually. she's standing in front of a real hero, someone who has saved lives before, and then there's her, who hasn't done anything yet.

but too late to take her words back now, huh?

midoriya narrows his eyes, this doesn't look like the y/n i know. but still, she might be playing tricks on me as well now that we're in a serious situation. would he do the same when he saw her for the first time? it's not like he would play small talk now that he's met the girl unexpectedly. he would probably be a bit wary of her as well. midoriya might have in his mind to team up, but y/n wouldn't know that. and still, even if he spoke it out, she might think he's lying. they are currently enemies after all.

so, with that in mind, midoriya charges his body to as much as he can take from one for all, and starts running into y/n's direction. at that exact moment, y/n activates her quirk and analyses everything that she can on midoriya.

her scans tell her to move right because he will hit with his right hand, so she steps a bit to the right so she's dodging him, and so that midoriya will run past her.

his eyes widen when he misses, and he turns around quickly. "how did you–"

before he finishes his own sentence, the conversation the two had before pops into his head. analyses. she can analyse a person and see their strengths and weaknesses. she can also foreshadow their moves.

how could he forget about that? when y/n first told him about her quirk, he thought it was pretty cool. for all he knows, he has to be in sight for her quirk to work, just like aizawa. but she's not wearing her goggles right now, so does she want midoriya to see what she's doing? what is her plan?

y/n smirks and turns around as well, her e/c eyes now glowing a bright purple. she's getting into a fighting stance, ready for midoriya's next attack. if she can just see what he's doing she knows where she can throw the ball so it hits him right in all the spots.

midoriya shakes his head, him getting out of his fighting position. "i'm not going to do it," he says, looking y/n into her eyes. "i want you to pass, but not by defeating me. i know it might be easy right now, but i have the feeling you could and i'm not taking that risk."

the green, curly haired boy smiles cutely at y/n and bows. "see you later, pretty girl!"

and with that, he turns around and starts running away, in search for someone of his class so he can have some back up.

if he's going to the next round, he doesn't want to because he eliminated y/n. he wants her to pass as well, so why would he go against her then? he wants them both to pass, not only him or her. it might be a stupid decision for him, as he might not have enough time now to find other people and pass, but that doesn't matter.

he's not fighting his crush.

meanwhile as midoriya is running away, y/n is standing there stunned. her arms are hanging loosely at the sides of her body, confused to what just happened.

did he really choose running away from her over fighting her, so that they both pass? did he really just threw away a chance of eliminating someone easily, so that he and her could pass? is midoriya really that fucking stupid?

y/n quickly shakes away the thought, starting to run into a random direction so that she can find someone of her class. if she wants to pass she has to eliminate people, so might as well do that quickly.

she really needs to pass so that she can show people what she's capable of.

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