ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟚𝟡: School Festival Prepping

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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟚𝟡: School Festival Prepping

to say that todoroki was the one that came up with the idea, was a surprise to everyone.

when y/n talked to the boy on the dating app, she wouldn't ever think that he would come up with an idea to do a dance and song on stage for the whole school. but there he was, being the one that did come up with that idea.

the one person that no one expected it from.

the ones that were there at the hero work studies that saved eri, didn't choose what to do for the school festival. the students that were left decided, but no one was disappointed.

they had extra classes as well, so deciding with their other classmates isn't happening that much. but now that they finally have a plan, they can practice with everyone in the class.

suddenly a loud knock is heard on y/n her dorm door. she frowns and stands up from her bed, putting her manga down on her bed and walking towards the door.

when she opens it, someone starts to speak.

"y/n, you can play the bass, right?"

four of her classmates are standing in front of her door. denki who is smirking at her slightly because of the question, jiro whose eyes are full of hope, momo who asked the question once the door opened, and bakugo who's just standing there with his hands in his pockets trying not to look at the girl that calls him a 'soft boy' in front of everyone.

the girl wants to say no to her classmates, but denki chimes in, "yes she can! we were in the centre once and we were in a music store. she told me she could play the bass! right, y/n?"

she looks away from her classmates, "er, yeah. i can play the bass."

"perfect, we need someone for the bass! if you could do that, the band is complete!" momo says, smiling at her new classmate.

"my hands are too short to play any instruments."

the girl looks at mineta. she didn't even see him standing there as well. maybe he was just passing by, but it's not like she notices him. "oh you think?" she mumbles.

y/n moves her head towards denki, jiro, and momo who look at her hopefully. bakugo doesn't really care.

"okay..." she mumbles, scratching the back of her head. "if there's really no one else, then i'll do it."

"cool! ah, it's going to be fun to spend time with you again, y/n! i'm so happy you're in my class now and living in a house with me!"

"you're even next door neighbours," jiro laughs, shaking her head. "well, next door is not really the truth as we are next door neighbours... but kind off then? i mean you're on opposite sides of the dorm. almost neighbours. you get me."

y/n nods, "i get it. you're right."

denki smiles and holds his hand up in the air, high fiving jiro. "this is awesome! we have our band complete, now the song writing and practicing starts!"

the girl smiles slightly. even though she didn't really want to play, and especially not in front of the whole school, maybe this is good for her. it should be good fun to spend time with denki again and become closer. she's missed him over the weeks as she was too busy to text him regularly. but now with the school festival coming up, y/n can finally spend some time with her friends again.

she even considers bakugo her friend, even though he suddenly denies they are indeed friends.

but y/n has proof they are, though. the texts don't lie.

"alright, we'll be going now! have a good evening and we'll text you all the details!"

jiro and momo turn around and walk away with mineta behind them.

bakugo moves his hand up as a saying of 'see ya' or something, then also leaving with his hands in his pockets.

and denki? he's still standing in the door opening, watching everyone walk away while he doesn't leave.

"denki, don't you have to–"

"nope, i'm spending time with you now."

and before y/n knows it, she's pushed into her own room with denki following her and her door closed.

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