ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟚𝟙: Burning

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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟚𝟙: Burning

"isn't it great that we all passed?"

after the encounter with midoriya, y/n ran away in search for some of her classmates. she met up with tatami and shindo and made sure to eliminate enough people for the three of them so that they could get to the next round of the exam.

y/n did exactly what she had in mind to do. she analysed the people that she was going against, foreshadowed their actions and threw exactly where she thought they would run. luckily for her, all her predictions were right, and she hit the people right in the desired spots, eliminating the people she needed to pass the round.

after that they had to save citizens from a disaster. she teamed up with a few people, making sure to do her very best to rescue as much people as she could. she's practiced with this in class before, so she knew what she was doing. luckily, she made it. she got a great score and got her license.

i got my hero license. she really did it. y/n got into the hero course, trained as best as she could, and made it to this part where she could get her license. she is able to help people in need now, whenever she wants, because she's allowed to.

her parents would be so proud if she showed them this!

"you ready to go?" shindo asks the h/c haired girl, smiling as he sees his friend. she's looking at her license with so much pride, it makes him want to hug her and tell her she's awesome. he knew she could do it.

y/n looks up after a while, and nods. "yeah, yeah... i think i'm ready to go. sorry, i was just looking at my license—"

"y/n-chan, wait up!"

both shindo and y/n turn around when they hear her name. and there he is, izuku midoriya.

y/n smiles when she sees him running up to her and shindo. "you know what, i'll be there in a second. tell mrs joke that i need to talk to someone first. i'll be with you guys in a minute."

shindo nods and smirks, walking towards the bus alone. he tells mrs joke that she will be with them shortly. luckily for y/n, makabe and some other students aren't there yet either so she's not the only one. she's got some spare time left.

midoriya finally stops running and is now standing next to y/n. he has his license in his hand and smiles, waving it in front of her. "i got it as well!"

y/n chuckles as she watches the green, curly haired boy in front of her. he's really cute. maybe it was a good thing he ran away from her, because now they both have their license.

"i'm sorry how i acted when we met for the first time," y/n mumbles, now feeling ashamed of how she acted. it was honestly ridiculous. they're friends. they have talked about both passing the exam, and then she goes and wants him to attack her? kinda funny, don't you think? and utterly ridiculous. (a/n: lol i'm so sorry—)

"it was weird of me, and out of character honestly. i don't know what came over me. it was clear that you would outplay me anyway, so was it really a honest fight? you would've eliminated me after a while anyway. i'm sorry that was our first encounter, izuku-kun. it could've been so much better."

"you're pretty good, you know?" midoriya says, looking into the distance. the leaves are moving smoothly because of the wind, the sound creating a smile around midoriya's lips.

"it's not like i ran away from you because i thought you would be easy. i ran away because i didn't want to risk being eliminated. i wanted both of us to pass, and not just you, or me. i wanted this–," midoriya says with a pause, looking at both licenses and pointing at them, "to happen. you and me having one, not just me or just you. us both."

he smiles at the girl and turns his head. and for the first time in months, midoriya can look into these beautiful e/c eyes with a smile without it being a picture. he can really look at the girl, have her right next to him.

wait, how is he even functioning right?

suddenly realisation hits him, and midoriya takes a step away from the girl. "i'm so sorry! oh my god, was i standing too close? i feel like i was! i'm so sorry, y/n-chan! i'm so stupid! oh my god, what if she didn't like that? what if she hates my presence? i'm such a stupid guy, i should've known better than this!"

y/n starts to laugh. their awkward conversation turned awkward again, but in a different way.

she doesn't mind, though. the girl just watches her friend mutter for a couple of seconds before she places her hand on his arm. "don't worry," she mumbles, smiling slightly at him. "it's okay. i do like your presence. still down to hang out this weekend? it was our original plan anyway, so might as well meet up properly now..."

midoriya widens his eyes. a girl is touching my arm. she's holding onto it and doesn't let go. it's burning. god, he feels so insanely warm right now. is this what it feels like when you properly talk to a girl without them wanting to fight you? feels weird, maybe he likes it better when she does want to fight him. at least he knows how to speak then.

he then remembers that he hasn't answered back, so midoriya quickly nods. "yeah!" he says, repeatedly nodding his head. "i'd love to hang out with you this weekend!"

"cool, so i'll text you!"

y/n smiles and turns away from midoriya, finally letting go of his arm. "gotta go, see you later!"

she starts to walk away towards the bus, with midoriya still standing there wide-eyed and unable to move, when she remembers something.

"hey," y/n starts, turning around again and looking at her friend, "is denki kaminari by any chance in your class?"

midoriya frowns, moving his head a little to the side, "yeah, why?"

"tell him i said hi! we're pretty good friends, actually," y/n says, a small smile creeping upon her lips. "we met over f*ck dating as well."

suddenly, midoriya feels more confident. so that's one of the guys that she's been talking to. who are the others? do i know them to? i sure have to talk to kaminari about this.

"alright, that was the last thing. i'll text you later, izuku-kun!"

the girl turns around again and sighs happily, quickly getting into her bus. when she's arriving at the place where the bus is parked at, she sees makabe and her other classmates arriving as well. good, at least she's not the one that arrives last.

the students drive home by bus, all exhausted from the exam and happy they got their license. it was a long day, but certainly not the last long day that they will have.

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