ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟛𝟚: Dorm Visitors

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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟛𝟚: Dorm Visitors

the girl sighs to herself as she hovers her fingers over the f*ck dating app.

should she really delete it?

at first she was certain she wanted to delete the stupid app, as it was the reason why she got into this stupid mess anyway. but now that she's close to it, she can't do it for some reason. why that is, she doesn't know. it's not like there are many people she liked on that app.

y/n groans to herself and falls down on her bed, her phone falling next to her in the mattress, "what do i do!" she mumbles into her pillow.

the h/c haired girl looks up and takes a look at her phone. she opens the app, and sees the conversations with denki, todoroki, bakugo, izuku, monoma, and shindo...

her mind wanders to her friends back at ketsubutsu.

she's sad that her friends never even contacted her. maybe they're busy, she has no idea what happened at their work studies and what kind of classes they get now. but the fact they haven't send her a single text after she said goodbye to them that day at their dorms, makes her sad. it makes her wonder if they were even that good friends to begin with.

a soft knock is heard on her door, and y/n frowns. she takes a quick look at her phone, deleted the app without even thinking twice, and walks to the door.

"yeah?" y/n says as she opens the door of her room.

there is bakugo, his face angry, and his arms crossed.

"there are some extras downstairs that want to meet you and deku insisted i should get you from upstairs."

"oh," the girl mumbles, nodding. "alright, thank you."

bakugo scoffs, "you're welcome."

y/n puts her phone in the pocket of her joggers and closes her door behind her. she and bakugo walk side by side to the common room.

once there, y/n sees who the extras are that bakugo was talking about.

"shindo, tatami, makabe, toteki! what are you guys doing here?"

"we heard what happened with your parents from mrs joke," tatami says as you two hug each other.

the worries about her friends not caring about her, just vanished quite a little.

"yeah, we're utterly sorry we didn't contact you sooner. we have no reason, but we wanted to come to you and tell you we are still here for you. we're always here."

shindo smiles and grabs y/n into a hug as well, just like makabe and even toteki did.

"that's nice of you guys," the girl mumbles, smiling at her friends. "thank you. i miss being in a class with all of you."

"why did you leave?"

the five friends sit down in the common room. most of the u.a students were upstairs, sitting somewhere else, or spending time in the kitchen.

"because i wanted a fresh start. being close to ketsubutsu just reminded me too much of my mum. she didn't even want me to be a hero, and it just... she did everything in her power apparently to not have me in the hero course. i got in eventually, of course. but when i had that fight with her... and when my dad died... i just couldn't look at ketsubutsu the same way."

tatami, shindo, makabe and toteki nod at her words. they're listening carefully when y/n is telling her story.

"my uncle said that it was possible to transfer to u.a. i've thought about it for some time, and realised it would be easier. he'd be closer, i would have more people around me that knew about the incident, and i could have a new start. i could actually become the hero i always wanted to be."

shindo nods, "we get it," he says. makabe chimes in, "yeah! that makes sense. we miss you in the class and to have you around, but if this is better for you, then we're more than happy for you."

y/n smiles at her friends, nodding, "thank you, guys, that means a lot!"

"have you learned anything new?"

the question makes y/n think.

she has learned something new, indeed. many things in classes and at her work studies. but she also learned a new thing about her quirk.

the girl has been debating in telling her uncle or not. she wanted to, but at the other side; is it something she has to tell? can't she just keep it to herself? it's not like it's normal, right? or is it?

y/n nods, "yeah, i did learn quite a few things in classes. u.a is awesome in their teaching and i like the classes we've had so far. the classes are hard though, don't get me wrong, but good. we're also preparing for a school festival which is quite cool!" she says, looking at her friends. "what about you guys?"

"we learned new things about our quirks and about close combat since you've been gone. and much things at our work studies," makabe answers.

tatami nods, "yeah, i've learned a lot at mine. i hope one day we can all be heroes together."

you chuckle, "you can all be my sidekicks."

"oh, is it going to be like that now?"

the five students laugh, while aizawa and sir nighteye looking at them from afar.

"you made this happen, didn't you?"

aizawa looks at sir nighteye, and the male shrugs. "it had to be done."

with that, he turns around. "see you around, shota. have a nice evening."

and he's gone.

just like a few of his niece's worries.

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