ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟚𝟟: Fights, Lies and Visits

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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟚𝟟: Fights, Lies and Visits

to say y/n was sad was an understatement.

over the past few days with sir nighteye's agency– her uncle, and now guardian, his agency– she had experienced a lot.

she was broken.

so many things happened. things that shouldn't of have happened, but did anyway. things that broke her, even more than she was before. things that completely changed her life.

when mirio, midoriya and y/n were patrolling in the city, they cane across a young girl with white locks. she was adorable. they saw her with her dad, but they didn't trust the man. turns out the man was a villain and he had an evil plan.

the young girl that was used for evil villain schemes. her name's eri. and the villain was a man that calls himself overhaul.

but that wasn't the only villain, because y/n discovered something else.

her mother was the mastermind of it all.

she has no idea what to do anymore.

her past few days were a disaster. she went from a lovely family with her mum and dad (and some lies) to having no parents at all and being forced to live with her uncle from now on.

and on top of that there's the girl that they saved that didn't have a good life either and has a long way to finally trust people again. and on top of that mirio also lost his quirk and now can't become a hero like he wanted to, no one knowing if he will ever get it back or not.

and to top it all off, y/n her dad was being killed by her mother in front of her eyes while she fought overhaul with midoriya, her analyses predicting those moves as well so she knew her dad would die seconds before he knew.

it broke her.

her dad was the only one that seemed sane in her family, but now she has no one. not her dad and not her mum.

only her uncle.

"i know we don't know each other for long, but if you want to talk about it, you can come to me."

the words that left her uncles lips meant a lot to her. even though she's known her uncle for not even a month, she already feels more connected to him than she ever did with her mum.

y/n just feels like her whole life was a lie, just all these times. how could her mum lived a double life all along? she created y/n to participate in her evil schemes, but when she said she wanted to become a hero those things changed.

when y/n told her mum that she needed a hero work studies, her mum planned another evil scheme soon enough; taking down her brother and maybe take other heroes with that, too. that's why her mum got so interested about her hero life all of the sudden. it was all fake.

the plan was to take down heroes like nighteye and maybe even more. but instead of nighteye's downfall that y/n her mum had planned, y/n's dad died.

her mum was about to hurt y/n and nighteye. but y/n her dad stepped in and said 'no, don't hurt your own child.' and what happened?

he died.

he died because he stood up for his own daughter.

the one he had with the evil lady that y/n used to call her mum.

was her mum ever her mum, though? the girl doesn't even feel like she's ever had a mum. to her, all her memories have suddenly faded.

as if her mum was never there.


the door to y/n's new room opens, revealing a green haired guy.

"sir nighteye told me you would be here... i came around to check up on you."

y/n looks blankly at the boy, and then starts staring at her wall again.

she has nothing to say. what does it even matter? her whole life has been a lie.

does she even have friends? were all her friendships even real, or where those supposed to happen as well? did her mum give her friends money to be friends with her?

was that also why y/n was never even in the hero course to begin with? she did everything she could. she trained so hard, but yet she never passed the hero exam. was that because of her mum? because her mum didn't want her to be a hero?

what kind of mum does that?

well, the one that wants to take over the world or something and work with another villain.

oh, her life is such a joke.

midoriya sighs and sits down next to the girl, also staring at the wall.

he doesn't know what to do. he wants to comfort her, but every time she shuts him off and doesn't say anything. they just sit in silence for a while and stare at the wall. sir nighteye told midoriya that's all she does.

and eat.

nighteye cooks dinner, gives his niece some food, and then walks out again. he tried talking to the girl, but she doesn't say anything. all she does is get the food, stare at nighteye for some seconds, and then eats.

nothing more, nothing less. only that.

midoriya is about to say something, when y/n finally speaks.

"was it all a fake, izuku? were you even a real friend?"

and those words hit izuku like a truck.

"of course i am, y/n! please don't ever think that i am not your friend. you're one of the greatest persons i've ever met. nothing that i've done or said was fake. all things that happened, happened because i wanted them to happen, or you wanted them. i have never ever met your mum in my life before our fight weeks ago... i am your friend and i'm as real as it can be."

y/n looks at him, her eyes starting to go purple. but izuku just lets her.

if this is what she needs to believe him, he's fine with it. if this is what she needs, he's there for her.

y/n stares blankly at izuku while the analyses makes itself ready.

analysing name...
izuku midoriya

analysing gender...

analysing quirk...
one for all

analysing strenghts...
close combat, his legs, fast movements, coming up with ideas, analysing

analysing weaknesses...
lying, using his quirk with his arms, adapting to his own quirk, people he has a crush on, trusting people too soon, sea creatures

analysing movements...
will hug you
show movements? yes / no

but there is something new added to her list.

detecting words...
midoriya is speaking the truth

analyses complete.

her eyes start to water. and for the first time in weeks, tears are starting to stream down her face while soft sobs are heard from her lips.

midoriya widens his eyes and he doesn't hesitate for a moment. he wraps his arms around the girl and hugs her.

he has no idea what she saw, but it made her cry in relief.

so to him, it must be something good.

or... at least something that makes her cry and let out her emotions so she can finally start healing.

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