ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟜𝟘: It's a Dorm Day

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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟜𝟘: It's a Dorm Day

"your new quirk is honestly so cool," denki whines as he gets up after being knocked down by his best friend.

y/n chuckles, still standing in an attack position, not wanting denki to take her out.

"not going to lie, it is kinda cool."

she winks as she locks eyes with denki, making him roll his eyes at her. "i know, i know... you're way cooler than me and you just want to hear it."

denki plops down on the grass and falls down, moving his hands behind his head.

y/n frowns, "it's freezing outside and you're just going to chill on the cold floor? you weirdo."

she takes a normal posture, looking at her friend. denki looks up to her and shrugs, "yeah, so what? i mean, i'm exhausted. can we get inside?"

"but we just started!"

denki groans and gets up from the ground, "but you're wiping the floor with me! how the hell does your new quirk even work?"

y/n smiles, "i can show you!"

"rather not—"

"so the quirk is called negative," she says, looking at her hands. "it radiates energy from the the negative emotions in my body. i can use that negative energy to move faster, land hits harder, or when i overflow that negative energy, it gets physical and i can shoot it in someone's direction. that's what happened at ground gramma the other day, what caused mina to get cut. so, basically, i can use this energy anywhere to get stronger."

and with that, y/n charges at denki with speed, throwing him over her shoulder and slamming him to the ground again.

denki groans, now laying on the floor with his eyes closed, "that's not fair! seriously, you've become way too strong now."

y/n shrugs, helping denki up. "i know, it makes me feel bad..." she says with a sigh. "i feel like it's not fair to anyone. i just came here, with my analyses quirk and not much that i could use and trained with the binding cloths with aizawa... and now i've got this amazing strong quirk to work with too. it feels wrong to use it, but it's mine."

y/n sighs, the energy showing on her body because of her emotions.

denki widens his eyes, taking y/n's hand in his, "it's okay, y/n. be happy that you're blessed with this gift. you can use it for good now instead of your evil mum that wanted you to become a villain. show everyone that you will use it to make the world a better place!"

a smile grows on y/n's face, and she nods. the energy wears off, and the blue that took over her body, is now gone.

she's still not fully good with controlling her quirk, and sometimes the negative emotions get too much. her quirk will show, and the blue energy flows through her body. denki is usually there to calm her down, which is nice for her.

the past weeks were hard, but y/n managed. she has her best friend by her side, and also had much help from her uncle and her teachers. she feels like she's finally going to a better place mentally and physically.

the only thing that ain't right, is her situation with midoriya.

y/n sighs and looks at the door, "shall we get inside? dinner should be ready soon. i wonder what bakugou made for us."

denki nods, noticing that the girl has something on her mind. she's clearly not in the mood to talk about it, so he lets it go for now.

"i'm impressed with how you make him cook dinner for us," the blonde guy says as he takes y/n to the front door.

she chuckles, "yeah, well... maybe he's just weak for me. somehow i just have to ask him, or tell him otherwise i'd do it, and he tells me to fuck off and that he will cook dinner. i want to help, but he never lets me! our friendship is weird."

"i like to see it, though. i think he appreciates you but doesn't want to say it," denki says, them now walking into the house.

"i bet."

the scent of vegetables and herbs welcomes them as the two teens get inside.

y/n turns her head to the kitchen where bakugou is standing. he's stirring in the pan, tasting a bit of the food and nodding to himself.

most students are at home now, as it's weekend. next week they'll have a break, as it's going to be christmas, so loads of the students are visiting their parents and other family members.

class 1-a is going to celebrate christmas together, which will be fun. they already did their shopping, on the school's costs of course, and just need to decorate before they can celebrate. but, that's not for now.

there are eight people still at their dorms. bakugou, denki, midoriya, iida, todoroki, mina, kirishima, and y/n are still in the dorms. the rest of them are either at home or with other family members. aizawa is still there, too, so they're technically with nine. but eri is there too sometimes, so maybe even with ten?

"how's dinner, bakuhoe!" y/n shouts as she walks towards the kitchen.

the male scoffs, turning off the stove. "it's ready, bitch. go set the table or something and call the others. i ain't doing shit anymore."

the girl chuckles and nods, texting the groupchat that dinner is ready.

while they wait for everyone to gather in the dining room, y/n and denki set the table. soon, the other students are at the dinner table as well.

"this smells delicious bakubro!" kirishima says, sniffing his bowl of chicken noodle soup.

"it also tasted delicious," bakugou says. he rolls his eyes and starts eating as everyone got their bowl of food.

y/n is sitting next to todoroki and bakugou, both males eating in silent. bakugou is on the head of the table. opposite of y/n is denki, and next to him is kirishima. opposite of kirishima is todoroki. midoriya is sitting next to todoroki, with mina opposite of him and next to kirishima. on the other head of the table is iida.

all students eat their food in silence.

"what are your guys plans for the upcoming week?" midoriya asks, to which bakugou rolls his eyes.

y/n just keeps eating in silence.

she's still not in the mood to talk to him. and after that one incident, he never tried talking to her again. was she too hard?

no, of course she wasn't. she had all the right to act that way and reject him at the dance. he was being an absolute asshole to her and uraraka at the same time, which wasn't okay. he must know he did something wrong, otherwise he wouldn't take this long to talk to y/n.

uraraka seemed quick to forgive, but she's also crushing on him badly... they've been friends for way longer too, so maybe that's it.

y/n doesn't know what it is, but maybe she just needs to give up and focus on training. she wants to become stronger so that she can get a good internship after christmas break. it's important to have one, and y/n wants a good one.

"what about you, y/n?"

y/n looks up as she hears mina's question.

the girl smiles at her, and she looks around the table, and then at her empty bowl, "do some training, probably. i'm not sure what i want to do with my free time."

"spend it with dunce face, probably," bakugou mumbles, shaking his head, "you two are inseparable."

denki blushes, "we just like to hang out."

"yeah, no other things between the two of you?" kirishima asks.

y/n shakes her head, eyeing midoriya quickly. she then looks at denki, "no, nothing else. we're just friends. denki's my best friend."

denki nods, smiling at y/n.

"yeah, and we wouldn't want it any other way."

lies. but only a little bit.

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