ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟛𝟙: F*ck Dating

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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟛𝟙: F*ck Dating

oh, this is such a dumb idea.

y/n doesn't know why she agreed to denki's plan.

after they made their promise the other day, denki made her talk about her feelings for midoriya.

now, y/n didn't even know about her feelings for midoriya, until denki openly said it, and she started to think about it.

to denki, it was obvious. he could see from miles afar that y/n had a crush on midoriya, just like everyone sees that denki likes y/n. he just knows the girl feels more for their green-haired classmate.

but to y/n? she thought she was being sneaky. she thought no one would know that she actually has feelings for him, heck not even herself knew. she thought by not admitting to her feelings, that it would go away. maybe no one would see it. because if she didn't know, how would anyone else know?

why she doesn't want to like midoriya... she's not really sure.

maybe it's because she doesn't want to lose.

what did midoriya say again? he'll make sure he is the one she likes in the end, out of all her matches?

she just doesn't want that to be true.

but, the green-haired lad with those adorable freckles has her wrapped around his finger.

she doesn't know what it is. maybe it's his cute face that she likes so much, or the way he makes her feel when they're talking. maybe it's the fact how he gently touches her without any intentions, him always getting red when he does so and apologising because he didn't mean to do it. or, maybe, just maybe... it's the fact he's the only one that seems to accept her for who she is.

even though that's not completely true, because her best friend does that as well. she just doesn't have feelings for the poor electrification boy.

"it's going to be easy, y/n!"

"no, denki, i don't think this is a good idea–"

"come on, you need to do it now! if you don't ask him, i will, and there is no way he'll say no because the poor guy can't say no to me 'cause he'll be said he hurt my feelings 'cause i'm a guy."

"doesn't that mean he'll feel sad if he asks me?"

"uh–" denki stops from talking, putting his hand on his chin, "wait, you might be right... wait no, you're not, because he likes you! he has to! go for it!"

"what if he doesn't–"

"dammit woman, just go!"

denki pushes y/n towards the green-haired boy who's standing in the living room of their dorm house. "just go!"

the female nods and starts walking towards midoriya, but then uraraka comes down the stairs. midoriya's face lights up, and he walks towards her, "uraraka! i need to ask you something."


y/n stops in track as she hears the two talk.

"will you go to the class 2-d's dance with me?"


do you hear that?

it's her heart breaking into a million pieces. maybe even a billion. it's a lot.

she turns around and walks back when she hears uraraka say yes.

denki frowns, standing up from behind the couch where he was hiding.

y/n walks past him, towards the the other stairs, and gets upstairs so she can get to her room. the tears are streaming down her face as she opens the door to her room, wanting to shut it, but is being held back.

"hey–" denki tries, but y/n turns around. "he asked uraraka out, denki. he asked her to the dance. he doesn't like me."

denki forms an 'o' with his mouth. "you're serious?"

"of course i am! why would i be crying if he said yes?"

y/n plops down on her bed and leans her head in her hands, sobbing quietly. denki sits down next to her and wraps an arm around her, trying to comfort her, if that's even possible. at this point, he's not even sure what will help, but he hopes this will.

he just wants to be there for her...

he also wants to punch midoriya and tell him he's chosen the wrong girl, but that might not be a good idea.

"i'm sorry, y/n."

y/n looks up, scoffing.

"yeah well, fuck dating."

"ah yeah that's what the app is called–"

denki stops as he sees y/n's annoyed face, and he laughs awkwardly. "sorry, wrong timing for a joke."

"you wouldn't say."

the girl falls back on her bed, sighing, "i'm going to quit dating."

"you never even started."

"well i'm quitting already. it's clearly not working out, and so is nothing in my life. my mother was a villian, she didn't even love my dad, she wanted me as a successor but i want to be a hero, and now both my parents are dead and i'm living with my uncle i didn't even know i had a month ago. now on top of the cake, i realised there's a boy i like but he likes another girl and now i'm sad. fuck dating, never doing that."

denki listens to her rant, and sighs, "yeah..."

he falls down as well, looking at the ceiling.

"will you go to the dance with me, y/n?"

denki moves his head to the side, and so does y/n, both looking at each other now, "as friends," he adds.

the girl nods, "okay. at least i know you won't let me down, so this should be fun. thank you."

the guy smiles, "of course. you're my best friend, i would do anything to make you happy. just ignore the big fat crush i have on you."

the girl chuckles slightly, shaking her head.

"i have been for the past months."

denki nods, "fair point."

both of them look at the ceiling. denki is having a smile on his face, happy that y/n at least smiled a bit.

and y/n is happy in return that her friend always got her back, knowing that at least he doesn't let her down.

while others seem to constantly do.

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