ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟚𝟛: We're Not Dating!

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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟚𝟛: We're Not Dating!

y/n and midoriya's meeting did go awkward.

midoriya didn't know what to say– he was too stunned to speak when he saw the pretty girl walk up to him.

luckily for the green haired lad, y/n did know what to say, so she started talking and talking. there was no pause, because if she did stop talking she was afraid that their meeting would be awkward.

none of them wanted that.

the two are currently sitting in front of an ice cream shop— y/n having three scoops, and midoriya having two.

midoriya insisted to pay, but y/n was faster.

"you know what, izuku-kun?" y/n asks, more to herself than midoriya next to her.

the guy looks up and nods, "mhm? what's it?"

"i still feel sorry for the way i acted at the hero licensing exam. i was a bit out of character. it just makes me cringe thinking about it. thank you for not eliminating me."

midoriya chuckles, "it's okay."

he looks at the girl. she's not looking at him, more staring into the distance. she might be thinking about something.

"it was a bit of a coward move of me. i was scared that you would actually eliminate me, not the other way around."

the h/c haired girl turns her head to look at midoriya, "are you serious? you really think i could eliminate you? you're way better than me. i've seen what you can do, you're amazing."

"you've seen me?" midoriya asks, frowning. "you told me you didn't watch the sports festival."

her cheeks become red, "i might've watched some of the recordings after the exam. i don't need to study your quirks, so i didn't, but i did watch them when i got home after the exam."

she sighs and looks away, cheeks red. "didn't i tell you? man, i must sound like a creep."

"no, it's pretty cute."

both blush and don't say anything for a moment.

until some skinny, blond haired male jumps in front of midoriya and y/n, making the two teens shriek.

"who the hell—"

"midoriya, kid! i need to talk to you!–" the man stops talking, then looking from midoriya to y/n, and back.

"is this your girlfriend?"

midoriya's eyes widen, him shaking his head repeatedly, moving his hands in front of his face. "no, no! all might, we're not dating!"

y/n starts to chuckle as she watches midoriya talk to all might.

the poor man has no idea what he's done to the boy, and is just standing there with cocked eyebrows.

did i do something wrong? why is midoriya acting this way? the girl seems alright. maybe it was something weird to ask, all might has no idea.

"anyway," the man starts again, apologizing to y/n for a second, and then turning back to midoriya. "i need to talk to you about something. it's very urgent– is that alright?"

the green haired guy sighs. he looks at y/n, who's nodding shortly. "you can go, i'll wait here. don't worry."

midoriya stands up, dropping his bag next to the girl. "alright. i'll be back as soon as i can. if you want to go in any shops, feel free. just text me where you are."

y/n gives her 'date' a thumbs up, and smiles. "will do, izuku-kun. see ya!"

and off midoriya and all might go.

she watches them walk away. the girl does wonder why all might had to talk to izuku, and why it was so urgent. what is there to those two, that relates them?

y/n knows that he looks up to all might, but she never knew that they were this close. what could be so urgent, that all might travelled al the way to where he was to talk to him about something?

sure, all might is midoriya's teacher... but it still doesn't make sense why he would talk to him about something in a shopping mall, and not during school hours.

y/n knows she shouldn't do it, but she's curious. maybe she could ask midoriya about it sometime.

but first,

the manga store, baby!

a/n : hope everyone's having a good year so far! i did some thinking about this story about where i want it to go, and i'm debating between two things. i'm not sure what i'm going to do, but either way you'll see soon enough! that's also why updates are taking a bit longer. have a good rest of the week and see you later :)

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