ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟛𝟞: Fuck Off You Sick Boy

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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟛𝟞: Fuck Off You Sick Boy

it was magical.

just the whole night. everything was great. it's fun to be with friends and spend time with them, especially when the time wasn't that good before. but now? so much good things, so much laughter and jokes.

y/n couldn't be happier. she was spending the dance with her best friend and many more great friends by her side. at one point, denki even slow danced with her.

and it's not time for the last dance. denki holds out his hand, and y/n grabs it.

"thank you for an amazing night, denki," y/n says as the two go around and dance, hand in hand and having fun.

denki smiles, "of course, y/n. i'm just glad you can have an amazing time. it was fun. i'm glad you're my best friend."

y/n nods, leaning her head against denki's chest, them slowly moving around the dance floor.

denki's heart stops beating for a second, and he has to breathe out before he passes out. a huge smile appears on his lips, and he lays his head on top of y/n's.

even though his heart still belongs to y/n, he's okay. it really doesn't matter to him that she doesn't like him back.

because you know what? sometimes you can like someone and it's not mutual. that's normal, and happens more times than you might actually know. but if you can still be friends with that someone, and see them happy, it's okay. at least to denki it is.

why would he need to be all lovey dovey with y/n, if he can also hang out with her all the time and just have a good time?

sure, he'd love to hold her, wake up next to her every morning and tell her how beautiful she is, but it's not necesarry. to him, just being around y/n is more than enough.

he just wants to see her happy and if that isn't with him, so be it.

as long as she can find her happiness.

halfway the song, denki gets poked on his shoulder. the male turns his head, and his eyes widen when he sees who it is.

"what the hell are you doing?"

"would you mind switching partners for a second?"

denki is so close to punch him in the face.

"no, of course not midoriya! you're here with uraraka, not with y/n."

the girl looks up when she hears his name leave denki's lips. midoriya is there and wants to dance with her?

midoriya and y/n's eyes meet. immediately, a sad feeling takes over her body.

"y/n, can i take this dance for a second–"

"no, midoriya," y/n mumbles, looking away. she can't be near him and especially not right now. this night is supposed to be fun, not fucked up because midoriya decided to be an asshole.

"but y/n-chan... i need to talk to you."

"not now, izuku. i'm dancing with denki, go dance with uraraka. you're here with her."

both denki and izuku can hear the sadness in her voice, which makes denki's blood boil.

how dare he even ask to dance with y/n? he's for starters with uraraka, so isn't it freaking rude towards her to dance with y/n? and secondly, he sure has to know that he did something wrong. if he didn't, he wouldn't ask to dance with her, so he knows there's something wrong.

"i know but i need to talk to you and–"

"you heard the lady, midoriya. she doesn't want to talk to you."


midoriya moves his hands to y/n's hand, wanting to grab her and talk to her, but denki is faster and wipes his hand away.

"fuck off you sick boy! y/n doesn't want to talk to you right now! respect that and go dance with your date!"

denki turns around and swings him and y/n to the side.

the tears are forming in y/n's eyes. denki notices, and quickly pulls y/n towards his chest as they continue dancing to not make a scene.

"i'm sorry," denki mumbles. he feels so bad for her.

"it's not your fault so you don't have to say sorry. thank you for standing up for me and taking me away from there. god, i feel so sorry for uraraka too. how must she feel about this?"

around denki forms a small smile. of course she would think about uraraka too. concern for others comes before hers.

"i bet not nice," denki mumbles, "but i care about your feelings. how are those?"

"not good," she mumbles, "but i'll be okay. thank you, denki."

y/n looks up, tears in her eyes, but a small smile on her lips.

"you have no idea how much i love you. you're literally the bestest friend i've ever had."

denki smiles.

and all he wants is to kiss y/n and tell her it's all going to be okay, and that he loves her so damn much too.

but he wouldn't ever do that.

"i love you too, y/n. i'm happy we got to be friends."

how much people might think he's a pervert, denki still has a heart. and he will do anything for his friends to make them feel much better, even though his heart belongs to one of them.

y/n leans against denki again, hugging him and dancing slowly with him.

and so goes the rest of their night. they continue their dance, and after the whole dance is done, denki takes her home and brings her back to her room.

and when he gets back to his, he lays in bed with the biggest smile around his lips.

he can't believe he has one of the greatest persons in his life,

and she's his best friend too.

a/n : i feel so bad for denki so i'm going to write an one shot for him and y/n in my one shots book on -bokubae so if you want to read that, go add the book to your library :) have a good day xo

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