ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟛𝟜: School Festival

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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟛𝟜: School Festival

it was finally time for the school festival.

y/n is biting her nails, scared to go on stage in a few with her classmates. sure, they did prep a lot for the festival, but it is still frightening to go on stage and perform your song.

and it's not only her that's scared, the rest of the group has nerves as well.

everyone, but bakugou.

"oi, dumbass. you ready?"

she looks up when the blonde haired guy stands next to her. she smiles a little and nods, "i guess so."

y/n looks the male up and down– somehow they managed to get bakugou to wear the orange shirt they're all wearing. it took a lot to get him to wear it, but he is now, finally.

"that's not an answer you should give," bakugou says, ticking his drum sticks against his own arm, "you should be ready. you can't get anywhere with an 'i guess'. that doesn't work as being a hero, either."

the h/c haired girl nods, tugging her hair behind her ear, "you're right."

"i know."

bakugou smiles a little (yes, smiles), and walks away from her, leaving y/n alone.

the relationship between the two is a little weird. they're not really friends, but they also are. bakugou likes to be around y/n, and she likes to be around him. they sometimes hang around together, and even still text, and training together is often happening as well. but bakugou wouldn't call them friends either.

but bakugou never calls anyone his friend anyway, so maybe they are.

y/n is just glad they get along. she really liked talking to him on the app (that she deleted), and now that they're in a class together they can continue doing that. but, more than friends isn't in it for them.

luckily bakugou thinks the same.

y/n just wishes that midoriya would think differently of her, but he doesn't.

the girl sighs and smashes her hands on her cheeks, "alright!" she cheers, turning her body towards yaoyorozu, jirou, and kaminari. "let's do this!"

bakugou, standing just a few meters away from the others, is seen with a small smirk. he nods to himself, putting his hands in his pockets.

he's just glad y/n is alright,

because for some reason he cares about her.

don't tell anyone, though.

not even seconds later, it's light, camera, and action for the class 1-a students.

let's rock this shit.

- - -

"that was awesome!"

the whole class came together after they did their performance. now that they've cleaned up, and watched the beauty contest, it's time they can walk around themselves.

"it sure was!" y/n answers her best friend, smiling at him. "we were all so great. i loved it. and eri was smiling!"

denki nods, putting his hands behind his head as he walks, "that was awesome too! i'm so glad we did this! you were great out there, y/n. you can be proud of yourself."

she smiles at denki, "i am. i'm proud of the whole class, we did great!"

y/n looks up to the sky as she and denki walk to one of the other classes their performance.

the girl is happy that her class is taking it so well. she thought because of her transferring, that not many people would accept her. but to her surprise, all the students accept her and are happy she's in their class. her classmates include her with their plans, study sessions, hang outs and trainings.

it makes y/n happy she's not excluded, and that people seem to like her. she couldn't wish for anything else.

"there it is," denki says after a while, pointing at a big construction.

the two decided that they want to go to class 1-b's haunted house. they heard it was pretty good. of course not as good as their performance (way to kiss your own ass), but it could be close.

"awesome, let's get in," y/n says, taking denki's hand and pulling him towards the waiting line.

a faint blush creeps upon denki's cheeks, but he softly shakes it away.

there is no need for him to get flustered. it for sure is something he'd want to happen more, holding y/n's hand, but it can't. it's something they can only do as friends.

and now, don't get denki wrong; he loves being friends. it's just not what his heart truly wants.

still, being with y/n can only be a dream. sadly, the feelings are just one sided. but then again, what does it matter?

he's friends with one of the most amazing persons there ever is.

seriously, what more does he need?

maybe only for her to be happy.

only he doesn't know she's already close to her full happiness, now having many people around her that love and like her, and great friends around her that support her and want to hang out with her.

it's more than the girl could ever think would happen. when the accident happened with her parents, she thought she was done for. y/n thought her life was over and that nothing could go right anymore. because how could things go right if the people you're supposed to trust the most, turn out to be bad villains?

her mother was a villain, having planned evil schemes y/n her whole life without her and her dad knowing. then her mum goes and kills her dad, and was even close to killing y/n. that doesn't do good to someone.

y/n thought that was what would end her life, what would make it bad, and that no good things would come her way anymore.

but, life showed her different.

she has an amazing uncle that now takes care of her, working to a bond she never could imagine to have with an adult. then, she has amazing friends from not only one, but two schools. she has friends that accept her and want her for who she is. it's something y/n thought she could only dream of. but, they are reality.

y/n's life really couldn't be better anymore. who needs a lover, if you have amazing friends and if you can become a hero like you always wanted?

right, you don't, and that's why y/n is fine with being single. she only needs her friends, and no one else.

even though being with izuku would make her incredibly happy...

it's just not in it for them.

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