Chapter 11

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Annyeong readers :') Still supporting? Ty for the 10 followers for following me . As i promised , i'll update :)!

[Tiffany's POV]

As i was walking , i remembered that i have to call Sehun oppa after apologising . I wonder what he would say to me . Hehe .

"YAH!!!" Someone with a familiar voice shouted .

I look up in shocked to see Taeyeon right in front on her way to meet the SoNyuhs . I mumbled a few words that couldnt be heard at all . What should i say??

"Umm..Taeyeon unnie , uhh..." I stammered.

"What do u think ure doing?! Why are u here ?!" Taeyeon unnie shouted.

"She came her to return my belonging Taeyeon." D.O said when he heard Taeyeon unnie shouted.

I just look down not knowing but to nod my head . Taeyeon eyes widen . O.O(a/n : Like D.O)

"Uh...uh...D.O oppa .. I didnt know that . Im sorry ." Taeyeon said being scared .

"Nah..Its okey , go on . You have to meet ur girls now."D.O replied after seeing their company van has arrived.

Tiffany looks behind and smiled as a show of thanks to D.O .

<Kai's POV>

Aishh , What am i doing here alone and just sitting . Shouldn't i be at home and look after Yoona ? Its okay , i just have to message her.

To: Yoona❤

Annyeong, Jal Jineseo?(How are you)

[Message Sent!]

<Yoona's POV>

From:Kim Jonginnie

Annyeong , Jal Jineseo?
Reply to : Kim Jonginnie

Nae...Where are you? Come back home as soon as possible okay?

[Message Sent!]

<Kai's POV>

From: Yoona❤

Nae...Where are you? Come back home as soon as possible okay?

Yoona wants me back home . I guess i should go . I packed some macaroons and be on my way home .

<Baekhyun's POV>


Oh? Someones at the door?

"Naeee....? Dugu waseoyeo? (Who came?)"

"Hyung, Naya ..(Its me)" Kai said

"Nae..Geundae dugu?(But who?) I have alot of dongsaengs that call me hyung you know." Baekhyun answered.

"Ai , ahh hyung ! Naya...Kai..You dont know my voice??Let me in!" Kai answered.


What do you think will happen next? Read the next chap and know more !
Sorry not being able to update :) oh , see the vid if u havent see it :)


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