Chapter 29♥

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A/n: Update ♥

"Kyungsoo-ah , What happened to Kai?" -Xiumin

"Kai , he..he , has his last breath either today or tomorrow..The drink that Sheila gave to him is-".

"Wait...Sheila gave him a drink? What on earth? Is she poisoning him or something?" -Chanyeol

"Aish , listen up first please? Yoona overheard her conversation on phone that she wants to buy a drink thay will make him unconcious for few days. But since many people had been ordering , so the seller messed up the package and gave her the wrong one.Yeah .... So , the drink that she actually receive is actually , the one that makes ones heart in pain. *sigh* Since you guys all know , Kai had a heart problem , it worsens it."

Hearing this making my teared up.Yoona walk up to me and cry on my chest .

"That bitch is really getting overboard like srsly. She should have checked. No-I mean is that , she shouldnt even bought from an illegal seller dont she? Adding to this , i know its not the time to ask this but , what is up between you two?" Lay hyung points to me and Yoona.

The others eyes that were on Lay hyung turned to me and it feels weird them staring..


"I'll tell you since he is stumbling over his own words.-"

I just grinned and they convert their eye contact to Yoona.

//dont stare so much, you will pierce my heart , not hers//

"So , the thing is...Kai doesnt remember me , and we have not officially broke up , but for the time being im his . Not because im a player or timer you call it? I dont even know. So yeah , we are now officially together."


"Umm. Relatives of Mr Kim Jongin?" -doc

"Oh , we're here."-suho

"All of you?"

"Yes." -baeks

"Two by two please? We dont want everyone to be crowded around."

"Yeah sure , Yoona and Kyungsoo , simce you guys are here frm early just now , you guys go in first." -Suho

"Naee.." *together*


I held my breath when i went in , Kai's eyes were open and he looks at me.

//he wont remember me anyways.//

I was crying right at the though of that. Why cant he remember me? Why is she so important?

"Yoo-Yoona? Is that you?"

"Nae , Its me."

"I finally know who you are. You're my girlfriend right."

"Yeah...But Sheila and you have not broke up so ....yeah."

"Please Yoona , my time is short here.. Sheila and I already broke up months ago."

"She came back when she knew about your amnesia , and you said you love her and asked her for being your girlfriend.And she accepts. Its been weeks you're with her , so im now with D.O oppa."

"Oh , i see . I have to go back to where im at before maybe today or tomorrow.. I want to see the others."

"Mm. I'll call them."

I walk out of the room bursting out into tears while kyungsoo is storytelling the whole thing happened.

After everyone have gone in , we walk to the cafeteria and saw someone kind of familiar but , i decide to brush it off.

//kai , why do you only remember me now ? When you're going away soon. Im hurt . I still love you ... Hope you would stay alive...//
A/n: The next day is Kai's last day in the morning? [Story] Yeah should be. So yeah , my sis just uploaded a Luhan Fanfic , on my acc too , so do check
'No Way Im Marrying him!?' [Something like that if im not wrong.]
I'll be grateful :) She is an awesome writer and i already read the full one on asianfanfics. By Byul…… I forgot her name but it was byuk smtg in there. Thanks for the readers who read and those comments to update. Thanks and sorry if im writing the note so long. Do check out my sis's fanfic!! Love you , saranghae ♡

#kyungsooismybias #love me right
#luhan #nowayimmarryinghim ♡

In love with a jerk , but misses you...(Exo Kai Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now