Chapter 13

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Sorry for not updating long enough !


What is he trying to say ? Im confused.

"Kai...? And what?"

"Ah , nevermind . I'll tell u someday..."

Wha....? Aish nevermind . I was about to say something but was interrupted by cutie Sehun . Maknae ofcourse ..


"Aish , Sehun , do you have to shout ?" Kai said.

"Are you guys doing anything personal ?"


"Then why not ? Hehe . Noona , do you feel better ?"


"Thank god . Hehe . Im soo worried about youu ." He say using aegyo.

"Sehun-ah , stop . You know i cant handle those cuteness of yours."

"Hahaha! Arraseoyeo.."


I really need to tell her by today ! I dont think i can hold any longer... After seeing that Sehun went out of the room , i took a deep breath and reach the door knob. Turning it open slowly , Yoona looked at me with those sparkly eyes .


"I want to tell u the truth."

"Go ahead . What is it ?"

"Other that all that i told you , i also caress your face and kisses ur forehead ."

"Ah , really ? Why did you do that for ?"

"Im sorry if it makes u uncomfortable but i did it because ...."

"Because...? Kai , please finish up ur sentence !"


Gosh this boy . Why cant he just finish up his sentence and for no freaking reasons my heartbeat beats faster than my normal rate.Dont tell me that ....

"Um..Its because , I like you . No , I love you ."

I was really shocked . So thats why my heart beats at a really fast rate .. What am i gonna answer!?

"W-Would you b-be my g-girlfriend?"


He was really shock upon hearing to my answer.

"Of course i would !! Who wouldnt want a boyfriend that dance really well and is hot ?"

"Nawhh .." he answered while kisses ur forehead .

I smile and i fell asleep after as im very tired and my head is hurting . I cant believe that im now Kim Jongin's yeoja :)


A/n: How was it ? Oh , im bored so im thinking of doing a one shot of an exo/bts member ! Please comment down who and i will take the first three comments !!
[Have not read my other fanfic? Please read it ! ^-^ Thank u Exo-Ls ♡♡

In love with a jerk , but misses you...(Exo Kai Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now