Chapter 9

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Heyy .. Its been long (: Sorry ^_^ So yeahh .. Without any further ado , lets start shall we ?


I was discharged early and i was glad not to be sleeping on that hospital again . Its not comfortable . At all . I was in EXO's dorm in a bedroom . Dont know whose .. Suddenly i heard a knock on the door .
"Come In.." I said ..

It was Kai .. I really wanted to know why he ignored me this whole time and why the "TaeTiSeo" beat me up for no typical reason ? Huuu.. But i guess , i should not .

"Look Yoona , Im Sorry for not coming earlier to save you." He says.

"Why ? Why did they beat me up?"

"Its because , they wanted to be with EXO . Or rather flirt with us EXO , so we reject them . Except for you . Chanyeol is ur brother , so its okay . Oh , here , eat your food ." He says while holding up a bowl of chicken porridge . I stared at his manly yet beautiful face of him and looked at the bowl of porridge he brought.Kai pick up the spoon and stir the porridge for me to let it cool down . All i could do is to stare at him.

"Ahhhh..." Kai said as an action for me to open up my mouth to eat the porridge.

The porridge is nice .. But i dont understand we they did that to me.Im really confused ..

A knock on the door is heard. Sehun peeked in to see what im upto.

"Annyeong noona? Feeling better?" Sehun asked me with a grin on his cute face.

"Kind off..Sehun , do u know why they beat me up." I try to ask.

"Oh that...i will tell u.." Sehun said.
"Taeyeon is the leader of the group and she likes Kai alot. So she asked both of her group members , Seohyun and Tiffany to beat whoever or any girl disturb Kai or be with Kai . They'll get it from her.I know its weird but have to go with it." He said.

I smiled in return for telling . I asked if Tiffany and Seohyun likes anyone from EXO. He says yes . Seohyun likes Suho and Tiffany likes him. Tbh , Tiffany is pretty . Very pretty . But Sehun dont likes her for her attitude that she is has . He said all of this only when Kai is out from my bedroom .

"Sehun ah.. You try to change her attitude then??" I asked .

"How ??" He asked me back.

"I know how. U sent her a letter. Tell her this. 'I will only love u only when u change ur attitude being a gangster at sch' and im sure she' change . " I told him
"But i like her for real ." He replied.

Thats hard but i told him that u make her fall for u each day and im sure she will change . Sehun smiled and did what i asked him too . And day by day , she fall for him bit by bit...


How is that chapter guys?? Sorry for not updating ! I can only update one chapter tdy . Its late here in Singapore.I want to meet EXO .. but cant afford their tickets . CANT WAIT FOR THEIR 2015 COMEBACK.! Yeay!!


In love with a jerk , but misses you...(Exo Kai Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now