Chapter 23♥

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A/n: Update is up ! Enjoy♥


I gave out a deep sigh , not because of that bitch but because today is my last day staying at the dorm. My heart feels heavy. Noticing my mood , D.O oppa wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

D.O:Jagiya , kwenchana?
-Omo? Jagiya already? Haha. Aniyo Oppa. I feel heavy to leave.

D.O:Then dont :) I dont want my girl to leave.
-Can i? But later once Kai is back , maybe that bish of his is here too. [A/n: Now is the month of ramadan already , i couldnt curse much ♧]

D.O:Might be true , how about you sleep in my room ? Let that bish of his sleep in yours , my room had alot of space to spare...
-Really?Areaseo Oppa , i go pack my things from that room and put it in Oppa's room okay?

D.O Oppa just nodded , few days , what i said was true , he brought his mistress here to stay . -_-
Silently , Sheila came up to me.
"Yah , why are you here? Shouldnt you be out by now?"
-Oh how rude of you .. Im the sister of Chanyeol and i have the right to stay . You got a problem with that?"

"*stays silent.*"

-Look here , because that you are my boyfriend's girlfriend now , i gave up my room to you. Be grateful okay?

I said thay sarcastically and walked away . D.O Oppa was cooking for us Kimchi Bokeumbap[A/n:No idea how to spell] He served us that included that bish , luckily D.O Oppa is nice enough to do that , if i were him maybe i'd say 'Omg , im sorry , i forgotten that you even exist.-_-' That would be awesome.

D.O Oppa is great to be a boyfriend , he has a mom's side , he cooks , comforts , kind. Not like Kai , who doesnt even try hard to retrieve his memories . Oh and btw , Kai didnt receive his treatment yet , he has to go overseas and i heard from Chanyeol Oppa[A/n:I will use only 'Oppa' for Chanyeol]
D.O Oppa then , wrap his arms around my shoulders.

Bish:Why is D.O Oppa wrapping his arms around her?
-Ehem , Excuse you..? D.O 'oppa'? Who gave you the permission to call him that? Oh , he is my boyfriend now since someone stole away mine.>^>

Kai stayed silent watching all this then suddenly he clutches his head.


Argh , Yoona .. She is so familiar.

".... someone stole away mine"

".... someone stole away mine"

".... someone stole away mine"

What does she mean by that? At the wrong moment , my head suddenly hurts .My brain is trying to tell me something , so i stumbled my way up to my room.
A/n:What do you think? Cann? In the next chapter , i will tell what his brain shows to him. And OMG how can he bring that slut there? Luckily , D.O is there to let her sleep in his room. He is so Kind. Well he is my bias >< thats why im like biased towards him quite often. Im sorry !! I will mak more attention to Kai okayy? Next chap , most of the attention is to Sheila and Yoona. Thanks! Saranghae

In love with a jerk , but misses you...(Exo Kai Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now