Chapter 16

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A/n:Heyy !! Update ayee? Hope its not too late ?? Hehe . Imma start now , Exo-Ls ♡


*sigh* its been days since he was admitted to the hospital .. I understand that it is serious but what can be serious than this? Why isnt he waking up??

I saw Kai's hand twitched and he is slowly open his eyes .


Doctors and nurses came rushing in and asked me out . Few minutes later they came out telling me that they found something bad.. Me , who is crying so much entered his room..



Me:How are you..?

Kai:Im fine , thank you . But can i ask , who are you?

My heart shattered to pieces when i knew thag he dont remember me .


Doctors and nurses came rushing in and asked me out . Few minutes later they came out telling me that they found something bad..

Me:Yes doctor ? What is the problem?

Doc:Im sorry to say this but may i ask where did he fall at?

Me:In the bedroom , things were spreaded around him . Why did you ask?

Doc:Ah , yes . I want to tell you that he is now having amnesia . Because , when he fall , it hit hard on his head and then black out before you discovered him. He might only remember people that are important to him , like his group & family . That should be what he would be remembering.

I was rather speechless. Amnesia ? So he cant remember? People that are important ...Am i important? I should be right ? Im his girlfriend arent i ? Many questions crept through my mind . I cant seem to get it through.

Me:A-amnesia? Uh .. okay... but can i meet him?

Doc:Yeah , sure , go ahead.


Me:You cant remember me?

Kai:No...But you're familiar . Do i know you?

Me:Nevermind , Kai.. You will someday...

Kai:How did you know my name?

Me:Because im your , nevermind ...

Thats the last thing i said before i walk out the door bursting out into tears.I decided to call the others...


I woke up to see im in a hospital and a pretty girl that seems really familiar .



Her:How are you..?

Me:Im fine , thank you . But can i ask , who are you?

Her:You cant remember me?

Me:No...But you're familiar . Do i know you?

Her:Nevermind , Kai.. You will someday...

Me:How did you know my name?

Her:Because im your , nevermind ...

And with that , she went out . I was stunned. I dont know who she is and she say she is my what?? What is she talking about? Im left alone here . In hospital.


Calling D.O oppa☎

Oppa:Yeoboseyeo , donsaeng?


Oppa:Yah , waegeurae??!

Me:Aniya oppa.Kai , he ...

Oppa:He what?


Oppa:Mwo!? Jinjja??!!

Me:Nae...Palli wa..Im going crazy. He wont remember me ..

Oppa:A-arraseo. Kidaryo ..

☏Ends Call☏

I lean onto the wall while im sitting on the chairs outside his room and slowly fell asleep , hoping that this is all a dream....

A/n: Updated ! Is this okay?? Hehe . Sorry . I was tired yesterday as i first go to Jurong Point then to Chua chu kang. Im so tired . >__< I'll update soon . Not promised tho :) Gdnyte.
-i usually update at night :)

In love with a jerk , but misses you...(Exo Kai Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now