Not an update !! :(

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Guys .. Sorry its not an update . Its late night here in Singapore .. Exo was here in Singapore far away from home but i was not there to see my beloved D.O !! T.T .

Anyways .. An update will be up sooner .. Stay tune and pls do support this fanfic because its my first time .. DONT JUDGE! First Timer is always a first timer . The more the person does the more it gets better ...

Sooo , yepp . What will happen to Yoona ? Who is the one behind her ? Will she get injured ? Is that Gyuri ? Many questions must be in your head right ? Well ... Wait for the next chapter . Chapter 7 and find out!

~_KyungIn_ <----- New name .. Kyungsoo + Jongin .. Which is my bias (D.O) + My sister's bias . (Jongin/Kai)

Bye .. Love you exotics and Exo-L !

In love with a jerk , but misses you...(Exo Kai Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now